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Chapter Objectives
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When you finish studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Contrast Maslow's, Alderfer's, and McClelland's need theories.

  2. Explain the practical significance of Herzberg's distinction between motivators and hygiene factors.

  3. Discuss the role of perceived inequity in employee motivation.

  4. Explain the differences among distributive, procedural, and interactional justice.

  5. Describe the practical lessons derived from equity theory.

  6. Explain Vroom's expectancy theory, and review its practical implications.

  7. Explain how goal setting motivates an individual, and review the four practical lessons from goal-setting research.

  8. Review the mechanistic, motivational, biological, and perceptual-motor approaches to job design.

  9. Specify issues that should be addressed before implementing a motivational program.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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