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Discussion Questions
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  1. Which, if any, factor in the performance improvement cycle portion of Figure 9-1 is more important than the others?

  2. How can the distinction between learning goals and performance outcome goals help you be more effective?

  3. Based on what you have read in chapter 9, are you good at goal setting, or do you need improvement?

  4. How has feedback instructed or motivated you lately?

  5. What is your opinion of 360-degree feedback? Explain.

  6. How important are intrinsic rewards to the typical employee today? Explain.

  7. How would you respond to a manager who said, "Employees cannot be motivated with money."?

  8. What real-life examples of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, both forms of punishment, and extinction can you draw from your recent experience? Were these strategies appropriately or inappropriately used?

  9. From a schedule of reinforcement perspective, why do people find gambling so addictive?

  10. What sort of behavior shaping have you engaged in lately? Explain your success or failure.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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