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Internet Exercise
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Time for Some 360-Degree Feedback

As discussed in this chapter, 360-degree feedback is getting a good deal of attention these days. Our purpose here is to introduce you to a sample 360-degree evaluation from an innovative Internet-based program marketed by Panoramic Feedback. ( Note: Our use of this sample is for instructional purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of the program, which may or may not suit your needs.)

Go to the Internet home page and click in the "360-DEGREE FEEDBACK DEMO…More" box on the right middle of the page. Click on "Start Demo" and follow the prompts through Parts 1 and 2 of the Interactive Demo. You will be able to evaluate someone you know (using one of the hypothetical names provided) with 13 performance-rating scales and four essay type items.

How would you rate the 13 performance dimensions in this brief sample? Relevant? Important? Good basis for constructive feedback?
If you were to expand this evaluation, what other performance scales would you add?
Is this a fair evaluation, as far as it goes? Explain.
How comfortable would you be evaluating the following people with this type of anonymous 360-degree instrument: Boss? Peers? Self? People reporting directly to you?
Would you like to be the focal person in a 360-degree review? Under what circumstances? Explain.
Results of anonymous 360-degree reviews should be used for which of the following purposes: Promotions? Pay raises? Job assignments? Feedback for personal growth and development? Explain.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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