1. Identify each structure drawn below from this list:
a. myceliumb. ascusc. zoospored. nonseptate hyphae. basidium with basidiosporesf. septate hyphag. zygospore (50.0K) 2. What characteristics do all types of fungi share? 3. List the characteristics that distinguish the four phyla of fungi. 4. Distinguish between: a. nonseptate and septate hyphaeb. a yeast and a myceliumc. an ascomycete and a basiodiomyceted. ectomycorrhizae and endomycorrhizaee. a saprotroph and a parasitef. a zoospore and a zygosporeg. diploid and dikaryotic5. Give an example of reclassification of a fungus based on molecular evidence. Click Here For The Answers Additional Questions1. To which other kingdoms are the fungi most closely related? 2. Which type of fungus causes: a. Valley feverb. Chestnut blightc. Black wart of potatoesd. Histoplasmosise. Amphibian deathsf. Thrushg. Dutch elm disease3. Name a fungus that has: a. Nonseptate hyphaeb. A flagellumc. Basidiad. Zygosporese. Ascif. Dikaryotic hyphae4. What is yeast? 5. How is the fungal mode of nutrition different from that of plants and animals? Click Here For The Answers |