|  Human Physiology, 7/e Stuart I Fox,
Pierce College
Respiratory Physiology
Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, students should be able
to . . .
1.Describe the functions of the respiratory
system, distinguish between the conducting and respiratory zone structures,
and discuss the significance of the thoracic membranes. |
 |  |  | 2.Explain how the intrapulmonary and intrapleural
pressures vary during ventilation and relate these pressure changes to Boyle's
law. |
 |  |  | 3.Define the terms compliance and elasticity
and explain how these lung properties affect ventilation. |
 |  |  | 4.Discuss the significance of surface tension
in lung mechanics, explain how the law of La Place applies to lung function,
and describe the role of pulmonary surfactant. |
 |  |  | 5.Explain how inspiration and expiration are
accomplished in unforced breathing and describe the accessory respiratory
muscles used in forced breathing. |
 |  |  | 6.Define the various lung volumes and capacities
that can be measured by spirometry and explain how obstructive diseases may
be detected by the FEV test. |
 |  |  | 7.Describe the nature of asthma, bronchitis,
emphysema, and pulmonary fibrosis. |
 |  |  | 8.Explain Dalton's law and illustrate how
the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases is calculated. |
 |  |  | 9.Explain Henry's law, describe how blood
PO2and PCO2are measured, and discuss the clinical significance
of these measurements. |
 |  |  | 10.Describe the roles of the medulla oblongata,
pons, and cerebral cortex in the regulation of breathing. |
 |  |  | 11.Explain why the PCO2 and pH of
blood, rather than its oxygen content serve as the primary stimuli in the
control of breathing. |
 |  |  | 12.Explain how the chemoreceptors in the medulla
oblongata and the peripheral chemoreceptors in the aortic and carotid bodies
respond to changes in PCO2, pH, and PO2. |
 |  |  | 13.Describe the Hering, Breuer reflex and discuss
its significance. |
 |  |  | 14.Describe the different forms of hemoglobin
and discuss the significance of these different forms. |
 |  |  | 15.Describe the loading and unloading reactions
and explain how the extent of these reactions is influenced by the PO2
and affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. |
 |  |  | 16.Describe the oxyhemoglobin dissociation
curve, discuss the significance of its shape, and demonstrate how this curve
is used to derive the unloading percentage for oxygen. |
 |  |  | 17.Explain how oxygen transport is influenced
by changes in blood pH and temperature, and explain the effect and physiological
significance of 2,3-DPG on oxygen transport. |
 |  |  | 18.List the different forms in which carbon
dioxide is carried by the blood and explain the chloride shift in the tissues
and the reverse chloride shift in the lungs. |
 |  |  | 19.Explain how carbon dioxide affects blood
pH and how hypoventilation and hyperventilation affect acid-base balance. |
 |  |  | 20.Describe the hyperpnea of exercise and explain
how the anaerobic threshold is affected by endurance training. |
 |  |  | 21.Explain the respiratory adjustments to life
at a high altitude. |