1 |  |  The cell membrane is composed primarily of protein molecules embedded in a double layer of ____ molecules. (p. 51) |
|  | A) | phospholipid |
|  | B) | carbohydrate |
|  | C) | nucleic acid |
|  | D) | amino acid |
2 |  |  Which of the following is not a function of protein in the cell membrane? (p. 52) |
|  | A) | structural support |
|  | B) | synthesis of DNA |
|  | C) | enzymatic control of chemical reactions |
|  | D) | receptors for hormones and other arriving regulatory molecules |
3 |  |  Which of the following organic molecules is not commonly found in the cell membrane? (p. 52) |
|  | A) | carbohydrates |
|  | B) | protein |
|  | C) | cholesterol |
|  | D) | nucleic acids |
4 |  |  Which of the following best describes the process of exocytosis? (p. 53) |
|  | A) | phagocytosis |
|  | B) | pinocytosis |
|  | C) | receptor-mediated endocytosis |
|  | D) | secretory vesicle fusion and content release |
5 |  |  Which of the following processes results in the formation of a food vacuole within the cell that will subsequently be digested by enzymes from the lysosome. (p. 53) |
|  | A) | phagocytosis |
|  | B) | pinocytosis |
|  | C) | receptor-mediated endocytosis |
|  | D) | exocytosis |
6 |  |  The ____ are structures that greatly increase the surface area of cell membranes and thereby promote the rapid diffusion of molecules. (p. 54) |
|  | A) | cilia |
|  | B) | microvilli |
|  | C) | flagella |
|  | D) | microtubules |
7 |  |  Worn-out organelles and phagocytic by-products are characteristically found within the ____, located in the cytoplasm. (p.57) |
|  | A) | primary lysosome |
|  | B) | secondary lysosome |
|  | C) | residual body |
|  | D) | secretory vesicle |
8 |  |  DNA molecules can be found both in the nucleus and in the ____. (p. 58) |
|  | A) | ribosomes |
|  | B) | lysosomes |
|  | C) | Golgi complex |
|  | D) | mitochondria |
9 |  |  The organelle that stores calcium (Ca2+) in striated muscle cells and is involved in steroid hormone metabolism is the ____. (p. 56) |
|  | A) | endoplasmic reticulum |
|  | B) | lysosome |
|  | C) | Golgi complex |
|  | D) | mitochondria |
10 |  |  Membranes folded into cristae, with matrix and energy production, are characteristics of the organelle known as the ____.(p.58) |
|  | A) | ribosome |
|  | B) | lysosome |
|  | C) | Golgi complex |
|  | D) | mitochondria |
11 |  |  Autophagy, a process that destroys worn-out organelles, is a function of the ____. (p. 57) |
|  | A) | cytoskeleton |
|  | B) | lysosome |
|  | C) | Golgi complex |
|  | D) | mitochondria |
12 |  |  A gene is best described as a (p.60) |
|  | A) | molecule of freshly synthesized protein |
|  | B) | region of DNA within the nucleus |
|  | C) | section of rough endoplasmic reticulum |
|  | D) | that portion of the ribosome to which the mRNA will attach |
13 |  |  A five-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base combine to form a larger molecule known as a ____. (p. 42) |
|  | A) | protein |
|  | B) | nucleic acid |
|  | C) | nucleotide |
|  | D) | phospholipid |
14 |  |  The nitrogenous base in DNA that is not found in RNA is____. (p. 44) |
|  | A) | adenine |
|  | B) | guanine |
|  | C) | thymine |
|  | D) | cytosine |
15 |  |  The threadlike material that makes up the chromosomes within the cell nucleus is actually a combination of DNA and protein known as ____. (p. 62) |
|  | A) | chromatin |
|  | B) | histones |
|  | C) | double helix |
|  | D) | nucleoli |
16 |  |  Which of the following is not a type of ribonucleic acid (RNA)? (p. 64) |
|  | A) | messenger |
|  | B) | mitochondrial |
|  | C) | transfer |
|  | D) | ribosomal |
17 |  |  Introns and exons are parts of a gene responsible for ordering the direct synthesis of (p. 64) |
|  | A) | pre-mRNA |
|  | B) | mRNA |
|  | C) | rRNA |
|  | D) | tRNA |
18 |  |  The RNA type that diffuses through the nuclear pores to direct the assembly or synthesis of new protein molecules at the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, is (p. 62) |
|  | A) | pre-mRNA |
|  | B) | mRNA |
|  | C) | rRNA |
|  | D) | tRNA |
19 |  |  When mRNA enters the cytoplasm, it attaches to the (p.65) |
|  | A) | mitochondria |
|  | B) | endoplasmic reticulum |
|  | C) | ribosome |
|  | D) | lysosome |
20 |  |  Translation is best defined as the synthesis of (p. 65) |
|  | A) | mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA from DNA in the nucleus |
|  | B) | pre-mRNA only from DNA in the nucleus |
|  | C) | specific proteins from the mRNA base sequence code |
|  | D) | new, complementary strands of DNA in the nucleus |
21 |  |  The RNA type characterized by bending on itself to form a cloverleaf structure that twists further into an upside down "L" shape is called (p. 64) |
|  | A) | pre-mRNA |
|  | B) | mRNA |
|  | C) | rRNA |
|  | D) | tRNA |
22 |  |  Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is a group of enzymes that join a specific ____ molecule to the end of its complementary tRNA molecule. (p. 65) |
|  | A) | nucleic acid |
|  | B) | amino acid |
|  | C) | pentose sugar |
|  | D) | protein |
23 |  |  All of the following are functions of the Golgi complex except (p. 68) |
|  | A) | preparing new proteins for inside-the-cell use |
|  | B) | further modification of new proteins (for example glycoproteins or glycolipids) |
|  | C) | organizing proteins by function and destination |
|  | D) | packaging the final proteins and shipping to their destination |
24 |  |  Vesicles that leave the Golgi complex may become all of the following except (p. 68) |
|  | A) | lysosomes |
|  | B) | storage granules of secretory products |
|  | C) | new enzymes for metabolic reactions in the cytoplasm |
|  | D) | additions to the cell membrane |
25 |  |  The name of the specific enzyme required to replicate DNA, is called (p. 69) |
|  | A) | aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase |
|  | B) | RNA polymerase |
|  | C) | DNA polymerase |
26 |  |  The phase of the cell cycle during which DNA replicates itself is known as ____ phase. (p. 71) |
|  | A) | G2 |
|  | B) | G1 |
|  | C) | S |
|  | D) | M |
27 |  |  One very important tumor suppressor gene that blocks the stimulation of uncontrolled cell division, and thereby inhibits cancer development, is known as (p. 71) |
|  | A) | an oncogene |
|  | B) | a centromere |
|  | C) | p53 |
|  | D) | cyclin D |
28 |  |  The concentration of cyclin D proteins within the cell rise and act to move the cell quickly through the ____ phase of the cell's cycle. (p. 71) |
|  | A) | G1 |
|  | B) | S |
|  | C) | G2 |
|  | D) | M |
29 |  |  Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are substages of which cell cycle phase? (p. 71) |
|  | A) | G1 |
|  | B) | S |
|  | C) | G2 |
|  | D) | M |
30 |  |  The cellular structures composed of specialized protein microtubules that form spindle fibers during anaphase and pinch off newly formed daughter cells during cell division, best describe the (p. 72) |
|  | A) | nucleoli |
|  | B) | mitochondria |
|  | C) | centrosomes and centrioles |
|  | D) | Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum |
31 |  |  Which of the following share identical base sequences? (p. 72) |
|  | A) | two homologous chromosomes |
|  | B) | two chromatids |
|  | C) | DNA transcribed to mRNA |
|  | D) | mRNA translated to tRNA |
32 |  |  Which of the following statements about meiosis is false? (p. 75) |
|  | A) | Each daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell. |
|  | B) | Final daughter cells are gametes, either four sperm or a single ova. |
|  | C) | Each daughter cell contains a total of twenty-three chromosomes (haploid). |
|  | D) | Crossing-over or mixing of maternal and paternal chromosomes may occur. |
33 |  |  Which of the following events only occurs during meiosis and not in mitosis? (p. 75) |
|  | A) | metaphase I |
|  | B) | anaphase I |
|  | C) | cytokinesis |
|  | D) | crossing over |