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Book cover image
Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology, 9/e
David Shier, Washtenaw Community College
Ricki Lewis, The University at Albany
Jackie Butler, Grayson County Community College

Respiratory System

Internet Activities

Structure of the Human Respiratory System

This site provides the user with a review of the anatomy of the human respiratory system.
A. What are alveoli?
B. What is the trachea?
Diving Physiology: Circulation and Respiration

Explore the effects of diving upon the respiratory and circulatory systems at this site.
Question: At rest, about ____ liters of oxygen are used by the tissues per minute. During exercise, an exchange of about ____ liters or more of oxygen per minute may take place.

This site from Human Anatomy On-Line provides the user with helpful information about the lungs.
Question: How many gallons of air does a human breathe in an average lifetime?
Chronic Bronchitis

This site provides the user with essential information on chronic bronchitis. Select "Diseases A to Z", then choose chronic bronchitis.
Question: What are the symptoms of bronchitis?
The Lung Cancer and Cigarette Smoking Web Page

Learn about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer at this site.
Question: Relate several statistics about smoking and lung cancer.