Tab 1: Learning Across the Curriculum
1. Your College Experience
2. Writing to Learn
3. Writing in College
4. Writing Online
5. Learning in English as a Second Language
Tab 2: Writing Papers
6. Reading, Thinking, Writing: The Critical Connection
7. Planning
8. Drafting
9. Revising
Tab 3: Common Assignments Across the Curriculum
10. Informative Reports
Student Paper: Smulowitz on Stocks
11. Interpretive Analysis and Writing About Literature
Student Paper: Bector on O'Connor
12. Arguments
Student Paper: Buglione on the NFL
13. Other Kinds of Assignments
Tab 4: Writing Connections: College, Community, Career
14. Service Learning and Community Service Writing
15. Letters to Get Action: Protest and Praise
15. Writing to Get and Keep a Job
Tab 5: Researching
17. Understanding Research
18. Finding Print and Online Sources
19. Evaluating Sources
20. Doing Research in the Archive, Field, and Lab
21. Working with Sources
22. Writing the Paper
23. Discipline-Specific Resources in the Library and on the Internet
Tab 6: MLA Documentation Style
24. MLA Style: In-Text Citations
25. MLA Style: List of Works Cited
26. MLA Style: Explanatory Notes
27. MLA Paper Format
28. Student Paper in MLA Style: Esther Hoffman: Louis Armstrong and Joe Glaser
Tab 7: APA Documentation Style
29. APA Style: In-Text Citations
30. APA Style: List of References
31. APA Paper Format
32. Student Paper in APA Style: Jennifer Koehler: Germany's Path to Continuing Prosperity
Tab 8: Other Documentation Styles: Chicago, CBE, and COS
33. Chicago Documentation Style
34. CBE Documentation Styles
35. Columbia Online Style (COS)
Tab 9: Document and Web Design
36. Document Design
37. Writing for the World Wide Web
Tab 10: Editing for Clarity
38. Wordy Sentences
39. Missing Words
40. Mixed Constructions
41. Confusing Shifts
42. Faulty Parallelism
43. Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers
44. Coordination and Subordination
45. Sentence Variety
46. Active Verbs
47. Appropriate Language
48. Exact Language
49. The Dictionary and the Thesaurus
50. Glossary of Usage
Tab 11: Editing for Grammar Conventions
51. Sentence Fragments
52. Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences
53. Subject/Verb Agreement
54. Problems with Verbs
55. Problems with Pronouns
56. Problems with Adjectives and Adverbs
Tab 12: Editing for Correctness: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling
57. Commas
58. Semicolons
59. Colons
60. Apostrophes
61. Quotation Marks
62. Other Punctuation Marks
63. Capital Letters
64. Abbreviations
65. Numbers
66. Italics (underlining)
67. Hyphens
68. Spelling
Tab 13: Basic Grammar Review and Issues for Multilingual Writers
69. Parts of Speech
70. Sentences
71. Phrases or Dependent Clauses
72. Types of Sentences
Appendix: Further Resources for College Writers Index |