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Antennas for All Applications, 4/e
Ohio State University RONALD J. MARHEFKA,
Ohio State University AHMAD S. KHAN
ISBN: 0070671559Copyright year: 2010
Table of Contents 1. Introduction
2. Antenna Basics
3. The Antenna Family
4. Radiation
5. Point Sources and Their Arrays
6. Electric Dipoles, Thin Linear Antennas and Arrays of Dipoles and
7. Loop, Slot and Horn Antennas
8. Helical Antennas
9. Reflector Antennas
10. Lens Antennas
11. Broadband and Frequency-Independent Antennas
12. The Cylindrical Antenna and the Moment Method (MM)
13. Frequency-Selective Surfaces and Periodic Structures
14. Microstrip Antennas
15. Antennas for Special Applications
16. Practical Design Considerations of Large Aperture Antennas
17. Antenna Temperature, Remote Sensing and Radar
Cross Section
18. Self and Mutual Impedances
19. The Fourier Transform Relation between Aperture Distribution and
Far-Field Pattern
20. Baluns, etc.
21. Antenna Measurements
22. Basics of Wave Propagation
23. Ground Wave Propagation
24. Space Wave Propagation
25. Sky Wave Propagation
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