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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Antennas for All Applications, 4/e

JOHN D. KRAUS, Ohio State University
RONALD J. MARHEFKA, Ohio State University

ISBN: 0070671559
Copyright year: 2010

Study of electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally (as for storage and processing by computers) is called Digital Communication. This mode of communication is used frequently for smooth transmission of audio/video signals in telephone and TV channels. The involvement of digital communication in our day-to-day life made it a must for Electronics & Communication Engineering students. Last two decades have seen major transformations in the syllabus of Digital Communication at the undergraduate level.

The lucidly written yet concise text helps the student get an insight into the subject and at the same time cope with the transformations. The underpinning in this text is the optimization between the bandwidth efficiency and power efficiency of a communication system, without losing the goal of its applicability to the ongoing telecom revolution. The emphasis on clarifying the concept from basics and its excellent pedagogical features make this textbook ideal for classroom as well as self study.

The book covers virtually all the topics in Digital Communication, from Signals and Systems (fundamental concepts), Baseband Systems (Transmission and reception) to Bandpass Systems (Transmission and reception).

This Online Learning Center is designed to enhance your learning experience. It provides a broad array of resources that will benefit both the instructors and students. Visit the Information Center to unravel the book's features.

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This site will evolve over time and we would be able to provide you with a wide range of resources that are currently under development.

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