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Elemental data  Used to derive a job time by summing times from a database of similar combinations of movements.
Job design  The function of specifying the work activities of an individual or group in an organizational setting.
Job enrichment  Specialized work is made more interesting by giving the worker a greater variety of tasks or by getting a worker involved in planning, organization, and inspection.
Normal time  The time that a normal operator would be expected to take to complete a job without the consideration of allowances.
Predetermined motion-time data systems (PMTS)  Systems for deriving a time for a job by summing data from tables of generic movement times developed in the laboratory.
Sociotechnical systems  A philosophy that focuses more on the interaction between technology and the work group. The approach attempts to develop jobs that adjust the production process technology to the needs of the worker and work group.
Specialization of labor  Simple, repetitive jobs are assigned to each worker.
Standard time  Calculated by taking the normal time and adding allowances for personal needs, unavoidable work delays, and worker fatigue.
Time study  Separation of a job into measurable parts, with each element timed individually. The individual times are then combined, and allowances are added to calculate a standard time.
Work measurement  Job analysis for the purpose of setting time standards.
Work sampling  Analyzing a work activity by observing an activity at random times. Statements about how time is spent during the activity are made from these observations.

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