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Section 10.1
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Incandescence refers to the light emitted by an object when its temperature is…
A)very cold.
B)mildly cold.
C)at room temperature.
D)very hot.
How is light emitted by a fluorescent bulb?
A)When an electric current runs through the bulb’s tungsten wire, the wire gets very hot and glows brightly.
B)Mercury vapour and an inert gas inside the bulb is heated and the gas releases ultraviolet light. The ultraviolet light is absorbed by phosphor on the sides of the bulb, and visible light is emitted.
C)The light is emitted following a chemical reaction within the bulb.
D)When an electrical current runs through the bulb’s tungsten wire, the bulb becomes heated. A chemical reaction follows and light is emitted.
What are the four types of luminescence?
A)fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence
B)incandescence, fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence
C)incandescence, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence
D)incandescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence
How is bioluminescence produced?
A)This type of light can only be produced by chemical reactions taking place within the cells of living organisms.
B)This type of light is produced by a chemical reaction within an object, without a rise in temperature.
C)This type of light is emitted by an object when it is exposed to ultraviolet light, and continues to be emitted even after the ultraviolet light has been removed.
D)This type of light is emitted from a material that has been heated to a high temperature.
What type of light comes from chemicals inside a glow stick reacting with one another?
What statement is true about the electromagnetic spectrum?
A)Visible light makes up a large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
B)The electromagnetic spectrum does not include microwaves or radio waves because they are not visible.
C)Visible light occurs in different colours because light is made up of different wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum.
D)Radio waves have short wavelengths, and X rays have long wavelengths.

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