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Section 10.2
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What does the normal refer to in a ray diagram?
A)It is a line that is perpendicular to a surface where a ray of light meets the surface.
B)It is a ray of light that travels from a light source toward a surface.
C)It is the substance through which light travels.
D)It is the change in direction of a light ray when it bounces off a surface.
What is the difference between an incident ray and a reflected ray?
A)An incident ray travels away from the surface, and a reflected ray travels toward the surface.
B)An incident ray travels toward the surface, and a reflected ray travels away from the surface.
C)An incident ray travels perpendicular to the surface and a reflected ray travels parallel to the surface.
D)An incident ray travels along the normal away from the surface, and a reflected ray travels along the normal towards the surface.
What are the two laws of reflection?
A)1) The incident ray, reflected ray, and normal always lie on the same plane. 2) The angle of reflection is greater than the angle of incidence.
B)1) The incident ray, reflected ray, and normal lie in different planes. 2) The angle of reflection is less than the angle of incidence.
C)1) The incident ray, reflected ray, and normal always lie on the same plane. 2) The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.
D)1) The incident ray, reflected ray, and normal always lie on the same plane. 2) The angle of reflection and the angle of incidence must both be greater than 90 degrees.
The orientation of an image describes whether the image is…
A)real or virtual.
B)upright or inverted.
C)smaller, larger, or equal in size to the object.
D)farther or closer to the mirror than the distance between the object and the mirror.
Which characteristic is true about the image seen in a plane mirror?
A)The image appears larger than the object.
B)The image’s orientation is the opposite of the object’s orientation.
C)The image appears closer to the mirror than the distance between the object and the mirror.
D)The image is a virtual image.
When an image is reflected in a plane mirror, what does the term lateral inversion mean?
A)The image appears reversed, right to left, and left to right, compared with the object.
B)The image appears inverted when the object is upright.
C)The image appears reversed, right to left, and left to right, compared with the object and it is inverted.
D)The image reflected is a real image instead of a virtual image.

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