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Section 10.4
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What is a convex mirror?
A)It is a mirror that has a reflecting surface that curves outward.
B)It is a mirror with a flat reflecting surface.
C)It is a mirror that has a reflecting surface that curves inward.
D)It is a type of mirror that creates an image that is identical to the object in terms of orientation, size, and location.
Which region of the convex mirror produces images that are not distorted?
A)regions near the outer edges
B)small centre region
C)region between the centre and the outer edges
D)There is no region on the mirror that produces images that not distorted.
What is the difference between a concave mirror and a convex mirror?
A)A concave mirror curves outward, while a convex mirror curves inward.
B)A concave mirror has a reflective surface that curves, while a convex mirror has a flat reflective surface.
C)A concave mirror curves inward, while a convex mirror curves outward.
D)A concave mirror has a flat reflective surface, while a convex mirror has a curved reflective surface.
In which direction do the reflected rays travel when you shine rays of light parallel to the principal axis onto a convex mirror?
A)outwards from the mirror’s surface and away from each other
B)away from the mirror, perpendicular to the principal axis
C)behind the mirror
D)away from the mirror, parallel to the principal axis
Where is the focal point located for a convex mirror?
A)There is no focal point for a convex mirror.
B)at the centre of the mirror
C)at the edges of the mirror
D)behind the mirror
What is the focal length of a convex mirror?
A)It is positive.
B)It is negative.
C)It is equal to zero.
D)The focal length cannot be measured because there is no focal point; the reflected rays move away from one another and never meet..

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