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Section 9.1
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What does a paleoclimatologist do?
A)A paleoclimatologist studies past climates to see how a climate system was formed and how it has changed over the years.
B)A paleoclimatologist gives forecasts on upcoming weather conditions that will change a climate system.
C)A paleoclimatologist’s job is to remove and reduce nitrogen from climate zone atmospheres that are experiencing a high level of global warming.
D)A paleoclimatologist is a scientist who studies biomes and living organisms found within specific climate zones.
Where are ice cores found?
A)ice-covered ponds in the winter
B)Arctic ocean
D)the ice surface of polar zones
The traces or remains of living organisms are called…
B)ice cores.
When fragments of rock wash from land to the ocean and become compressed and hardened, they are known as…
A)sedimentary rock.
B)a sediment core.
D)sediment deposition.
What does a wide light-coloured tree ring indicate about the growth of a tree?
A)It indicates that growth was very slow during spring.
B)It indicates that growth was very slow during summer.
C)It indicates that growth was rapid during spring.
D)It indicates that growth was rapid during summer.
What is an isotope?
A)It is any of two or more forms of a compound that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
B)It is any of two or more forms of an element that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
C)It is any of two or more forms of an element that have the same number of neutrons but a different number of protons.
D)It is any of two or more forms of an element that have the same number of protons but a different number of electrons.

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