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Section 9.3
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What does it mean when information from a source contains bias?
A)It means that the source was completely objective in assessing the topic.
B)It means that the source had a tendency toward a particular point of view.
C)It means that the conclusions contained in the information were factual, and did not favour any particular point of view.
D)It means that the information from the source is completely untruthful and inaccurate.
What is a carbon footprint?
A)It is a measurement of the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, in terms of carbon dioxide units.
B)It is a measurement of the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, in terms of nitrous oxide units.
C)It is a measurement of the amount of greenhouse gases that can be reduced by specific human activities, in terms of carbon dioxide units.
D)It is a measurement of the amount of greenhouse gases that can be reduced by specific human activities, in terms of nitrous oxide units.
How does the burning of fossil fuels affect an individual’s carbon footprint?
A)It helps offset the individual’s footprint.
B)It counts as a credit to reduce the individual’s carbon footprint.
C)It increases the individual’s carbon footprint.
D)The burning of fossil fuels is excluded from the calculation of an individual’s carbon footprint, so it neither adds nor reduces the carbon footprint.
What is the purpose of a carbon offset?
A)It is used to measure the amount of carbon dioxide produced by an individual’s activities.
B)It is used to measure the amount of carbon dioxide produced by Earth’s natural processes.
C)It is used to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced by Earth’s natural processes.
D)It is used to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a person’s individual activities.
Which of the following is true about a carbon footprint?
A)Every individual has the identical carbon footprint.
B)Burning fossil fuels reduces an individual’s carbon footprint.
C)There are no ways in which people can reduce their carbon footprints.
D)An individual’s carbon footprint can be minimized with the use of carbon offsets.
Which of the following is considered to be a carbon offset?
A)driving a car to work everyday
B)following a recycling program
C)taking public transit to work or school
D)eating home-cooked meals instead of eating out at restaurants

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