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Section 9.2
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What is the name of the process that is used to measure conditions systematically and repeatedly to track changes?
A)polar orbiting
B)Earth observing system
C)climate modelling
What are the two types of satellite that are used to monitor climate?
A)geostationary satellite and polar orbiting satellite
B)south polar satellite and north polar satellite
C)equatorial satellite and stationary satellite
D)rotation rate satellite and polar orbiting satellite
Why does a geostationary satellite appear stationary at all times to an observer on the ground?
A)Geostationary satellites stay in one position in the sky at all times and never move, shift, or rotate.
B)Geostationary satellites move much slower than Earth rotates.
C)Geostationary satellites move at the same rate as Earth’s rotation.
D)Geostationary satellites move at a very rapid rate and can complete one revolution around Earth before Earth has even moved in its rotation.
What is a forcing agent?
A)It is a source of uncertainty in a climate model.
B)It is a substance or process that alters the global energy balance and causes climate change.
C)It is a mathematical or computer program used to describe, simulate, and predict the relationships between the atmosphere, oceans, land, and ice.
D)It is a type of satellite used to measure conditions systematically and repeatedly to track climate changes.
What is the function of a climate model?
A)It is used to study substances and processes that alter the global energy balance and cause climate changes.
B)It studies and monitors climate changes in a specific area of Earth.
C)It analyzes climate data and projects how climate may change in the future.
D)It studies and monitors the climate changes of the entire planet in six hours.
What is GCM an acronym for?
A)global climate mathematics
B)global computer model
C)general climate mathematics
D)general circulation model

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