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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Understand the nature of adolescence, including how adolescents view themselves and how others view them

Describe the physical, hormonal, and psychological changes that take place during puberty

Discuss how the timing of pubertal changes impacts females and males

Elaborate on adolescent sexuality, including development of a sexual identity, progression of sexual behaviours, contraceptive use, and STDs

Examine adolescent pregnancy including statistics, consequences, and ways to reduce rates

Discuss adolescent health problems including nicotine, drug, and alcohol usage, gambling, and eating disorders

Discuss Piaget’s stage of formal operational thought

Define adolescent egocentrism and distinguish between Elkind’s two types of social thinking

Elaborate on how decision making and critical thinking change during adolescence

Examine the transition from elementary school to junior high school, including the criteria of an effective school

Address the rate, causes, and effects of high school drop outs

Discuss curriculum innovations, including the role of technology in the classroom and violence prevention curriculum

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