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Adolescent Issues
Explore many issues in adolescent development, including those involved in education, the media, health, parenting, culture, and other topics.
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Practical Resources and Research
The Search Institute's web site provides excellent information about many aspects of adolescent development. Includes lots of helpful resources on adolescence.
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McCreary Centre Society
The McCreary Centre Society is committed to improving the health of British Columbia youth through research, information, and community-based participation projects.
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Biological Changes
The main biological changes of puberty are described, including information about hormones, menstruation, and cross-cultural comparisons.
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The Alan Guttmacher Institute
A leading research institute with extensive contemporary information about contraception and adolescent pregnancy.
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Adolescent Pregnancy
The web site of the Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention with a wide range of information, including recent research and resources.
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Teen Pregnancy Prevention Institute
This clearinghouse of teen pregnancy prevention has descriptions of model programs, culturally specific information, and answers to frequently asked questions.
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Teen Pregnancy in Canada and the Provinces
This web site discusses unplanned pregnancy, symptoms, health risks, adoption in Canada, and connections to pregnancy centres across the country.
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Health Canada
The Health Canada Division of Childhood and Adolescence web site has a variety of informational reports related to health, well-being, and services and programs for children and youth.
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Young, Cool, and Smoke-Free-Health Canada
This Health Canada web page provides information on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking with links to further information on being "smokefree."
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Adolescent Substance Use
The web site of the Monitoring the Future Study at the Institute of Social Research at the U. of Michigan head by Lloyd Johnston and his colleagues; has the latest about trends in adolescent drug use.
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Anorexia Nervosa
Excellent links to annual research and popular media summaries on anorexia from 1987-present.
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Adolescent Health
The Health Canada Division of Childhood and Adolescence web site has a variety of informational reports related to health, well-being, and services and programs for children and youth.
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Adolescent Health Attitudes and Behaviour
The American Medical Association's web site on adolescent health with summaries of research articles in the current year and well as news releases and reports.
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Eating Disorders
The web site of Eating Disorders Shared Awareness provides information and support for those with eating disorders, along with links to other web sites.
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Schools for Adolescents
The Search Institute's approach to improving schools for adolescents with information about developmental assets and what schools can do to build them. Examines what good middle schools do right.
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Secondary School Improvement in Canada
This web site describes innovative school improvement initiatives in Manitoba high schools, as well as resources about school change.
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VIP Program (Values, Influence, Peers)
The Resource Guide for the Values, Influences, and Peers program presents extensive information to young people about values and rules, decision making, peer pressure, healthy relationships, youth and the law, drugs, community services, and social diversity.
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Effective Schools for Young Adolescents I
This web site defines the criteria for effective schools and provides an extensive bibliography and web references on the topic.
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Effective Schools for Young Adolescents II
Read this brief excerpt by the text authors on effective schools for young adolescents.
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Reducing the Dropout Rate
This article discusses school dropout and dropout prevention from the perspective of the economic and social structure.
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High School Education
This report describes the development of high school education in the country of Zambia.
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Moral Development and Education
Explore a selected article of the month on moral development and education, as well as classroom practices, books, and other information.
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Values Influence and Peers Healthy Relationships-VIP Program
The Resource Guide for the Values, Influences, and Peers program presents extensive information to young people about values and rules, decision making, peer pressure, healthy relationships, youth and the law, drugs, community services, and social diversity.
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