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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Today's adolescents face ________ demands, expectations, and risks compared with those faced by adolescents a generation ago.
C)just as many
D)less strenuous
Public attitudes about adolescence that emerge from personal experience and media portrayals are:
A)relatively accurate.
B)generally inaccurate.
C)consistent with today's adolescents' acting out behaviours.
D)accurate from personal experiences, inaccurate from media portrayals.
__________ is a period of rapid physical development involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early adolescence.
The age at which puberty arrives is ___________ with each passing decade.
C)staying the same
D)slowing down
For menarche to begin and continue:
A)a girl must be at least 12 years old.
B)pubic hair must have begun to emerge, demonstrating uterine development.
C)calorie intake must exceed the amount of calories a girl burns up.
D)fat must make up 17 percent of the girl's body weight.
The ____________ important endocrine gland(s) for controlling growth and regulating other glands.
A)hypothalamus is an
B)pituitary gland is an
C)thalamus is an
D)gonads are
Whereas __________ is responsible for development of genitals, increase in height, and changes in boys' voices, __________ is a hormone associated with breast, uterine, and skeletal development in girls.
The most noticeable changes in body growth for females include all of the following EXCEPT:
A)height spurt.
B)tendencies toward obesity.
C)breast growth.
Recent research about puberty suggests all of the following EXCEPT:
A)it is advantageous to be an early-maturing rather than a late-maturing boy.
B)early-maturing girls experience more problems in school than late-maturing girls.
C)pubertal variations are less dramatic than is commonly thought.
D)in early adolescence, early-maturing girls show less satisfaction with their figures than do late-maturing girls.
As a child matures into adolescence, interest in sexuality:
A)is considered normal.
B)is a risk factor.
C)becomes abnormal.
D)inhibits cognitive development.
Adolescents who engage in homosexual behaviour in adolescence:
A)will increase their homosexual practices into adulthood.
B)do not necessarily continue the practice into adulthood.
C)may benefit from counseling aimed at helping them become heterosexual.
D)are usually only exploring their newly budding sexuality.
David, a homosexual male, engaged in "passing" during adolescence. This would mean David:
A)frequented gay bath houses.
B)encouraged his heterosexual friends to engage in homosexual activities.
C)hid his homosexual identity.
D)let people close to him know that he was homosexual.
According to a 1998 study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, initial sexual intercourse occurs for a majority of teenagers:
A)around age 12.
B)by age 15.
C)in the early- to mid-adolescent years.
D)in the mid- to late-adolescent years.
With respect to use of contraceptives:
A)adolescent girls are increasing their use, but adolescent boys are decreasing their use.
B)adolescent boys are increasing their use, but adolescent girls are decreasing their use.
C)both adolescent boys and girls are increasing their use.
D)both adolescent boys and girls are decreasing their use.
All of the following are health risks for infants of adolescent mothers EXCEPT:
A)low birthweight.
B)neurological problems.
C)childhood illness.
According to survey data from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Ontario, which substance is NOT among the three most commonly used by students?
The drug most widely used by adolescents in our society is:
__________ is more important than ___________ in predicting genetic damage to lungs.
A)Age of onset of smoking/how much the individual smokes
B)How much the individual smokes/age of onset of smoking
C)An inherited genetic trait/how much the individual smokes
D)Whether an individual's parents smoked/ how much the individual smokes
Annette has an eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation, which ultimately may lead to her death. Annette suffers from:
A)bulimia nervosa.
B)anorexia nervosa.
C)body dysphoric disorder.
D)failure to thrive syndrome.
Based on U.S. research, which of the following adolescents is most likely to suffer from anorexia?
A)Bill, an African-American male honour student from a low-income family
B)Kim, an Asian-American female honour student from an upper-income family
C)Jarod, a White male from a middle-income family who has dropped out of school
D)Emily, a White female honour student from an upper-income family
Which of the following is NOT among the three leading causes of death in adolescence?
D)alcohol and illicit drug usage
Which of the following is the LEAST likely cause of motor vehicle accidents among adolescents?
C)lack of driving experience
D)driving under the influence of drugs
A child in the formal operational thought stage of cognitive development is MOST likely to engage in which of the following activities?
A)using building blocks to determine how houses are constructed
B)writing a story about a clown who wants to leave the circus
C)drawing pictures of a family using stick figures
D)testing a hypothesis systematically
When playing the modified "Twenty Questions" game in which she is supposed to determine which picture of 42 the experimenter has in mind, Elnora asks questions in a systematic way, such as "Is it in the top half of the display?" Elnora is exhibiting:
A)hypothetical-deductive reasoning.
B)hypothetical-inductive reasoning.
C)concrete operational thought.
D)preoperational thought.
Jean Piaget's ideas on formal operational thought are being challenged in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
A)Not all adolescents are formal operational thinkers.
B)Not all adults in every culture are formal operational thinkers.
C)There is more individual variation in the development of formal operations than Piaget thought.
D)Only those with scientific training use hypothetical-deductive reasoning.
Jennifer, who is having unprotected sex with her boyfriend, comments to her best friend, "Did you hear about Barbara? You know how she fools around so much. I heard she's pregnant. That would never happen to me!" This is an example of the:
A)imaginary audience.
B)false-belief syndrome.
C)personal fable.
D)adolescent denial syndrome.
Sydney calls her best friend Aisha in a panic. She has a date with Jason, someone she has wanted to date for months, but now she has a blemish on her forehead, which she knows Jason (and everyone else) will notice. This is an example of the:
A)imaginary audience.
B)false-belief syndrome.
C)personal fable.
D)personal absorption syndrome.
All of the following are cognitive changes that allow improved critical thinking in adolescents EXCEPT:
A)more breadth of content knowledge in a variety of domains.
B)increased ability to construct new combinations of knowledge.
C)slower speed of information processing demonstrating focus and concentration.
D)a greater range and more spontaneous use of strategies for applying knowledge.
A trend in adolescent development that has formulated the creation of middle schools is:
A)an increase in formal operational thinking among early adolescents.
B)the appearance of greater autonomy from adults.
C)the earlier onset of puberty in recent decades.
D)the fact that today's teens spend more time with peers than with parents or adults.
Students experiencing the top-dog phenomenon are most likely to exhibit:
A)high achievement motivation.
B)lowered satisfaction with school.
C)good relations with peers.
D)power over other students.
According to Glickman, a "good" school goes beyond effectiveness. It is characterized by:
C)inclusion of technologies.
D)care and concern.
Students who are likely to become high school dropouts have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A)being disabled.
B)being female.
C)having dependents.
D)having fathers who did not complete high school.
Which are the only two countries in the world in which sports are an integral part of the public school system?
A)The United States and Canada
B)Russia and the Ukraine
C)Japan and Korea
D)Brazil and Argentina
__________ is conveyed by the moral atmosphere that is a part of every school.
A)The hidden curriculum
B)Character education
C)Values Clarification
D)Cognitive moral education
With modern technologies in the classroom, ________ has become a "true phenomenon."
A)globalization of the classroom
B)a model to learn from
C)a tangential deviation from the curriculum
D)absorbing information

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