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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Discuss Erik Erikson’s seventh stage of development

Elaborate on Levinson’s research on life-span transitions

Describe the research conducted on the midlife crisis

Examine the contemporary life-events approach to development

Explain how historical context, gender, and culture impact development

Discuss the longitudinal studies conducted to examine the issue of stability versus change in middle adulthood

Examine how love and marriage change as people grow older

Discuss the causes for and results of divorce in middle age

Explain the empty nest syndrome and the reasons adult children return home

Examine how sibling relationships and friendships change during middle adulthood

Describe the nature of intergenerational relationships during middle adulthood, including the role that gender and culture play

Discuss the impact immigrating to Canada may have on families, employment, and the “daily hassles” of middle adulthood

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