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Mid-life Crisis
Explore the profile of an individual who is experiencing a mid-life crisis. Also examine ways to cope with a mid-life crisis.
( http://www.aomc.og/HOD2/general/general-MID-LIFE.html )
Vanier Institute of the Family
This web site presents issues and trends related to the well-being and healthy functioning of Canadian families with articles, publications, and web links.
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The Big Five
Describes the big five factors of personality and ways that they are assessed.
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Paul Costa's Research
Paul Costa is one of the leading researchers on adult personality development. At this web site, Costa describes a number of his research studies.
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Canadian Caregiver Resources
The web site of the Caregiver Network has a variety of resources for caregivers and links to caregiver services across Canada.
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Intergenerational Connections
From the University of Pittsburgh, this web site focuses on many aspects of intergenerational relations, including books and articles, community programs, and more.
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Intergenerational Programs and Projects
This web site of the U.S. Administration on aging provides links to national organizations, state networks, academic programs, projects, and international links on the topic of intergenerational relationships and issues.
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William Aquillino's Research
Read about William Aquilino's research on adults' relationships with their parents.
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The Sandwich Generation
Lots of tips are provided about ways that middle-aged adults can cope with being "sandwiched" between a younger and an older generation.
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Family Caregiving
This online guide for families who care for a frail family member provides information and advice on how to cope as a caregiver. Access the article from the home page of the web site.
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Life-Span DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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