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Taking it to the Net
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According to Goleman, emotional intelligence (EQ) is the key to personal and professional success. Unlike IQ, EQ is not genetic in origin, nor is it fixed in stone; therefore, Goleman believes that people can improve their EQ rating if they choose. What are the elements of emotional intelligence, and how might a person improve his/her EQ? How might emotional intelligence help a person resolve the task of Erikson’s seventh stage of development, generativity vs. stagnation?
Ralph’s frail 82-year-old mother recently had a hip replacement. She was discharged from a rehab centre after six weeks of physiotherapy. She must continue her physiotherapy as an outpatient in a local hospital. Ralph and his wife work full-time and have two teenage children, 14 and 16. What services and resources are available to Ralph and his wife? What challenges might they experience?
Maurice and his wife, Jean, are struggling with the "empty nest syndrome," now that their last child married and moved out. Edward and his wife, Kerry, wish they had that problem. Their oldest son has moved back in with them at age 30. Over dinner, both couples debate the issue. What words of advice can you offer to each couple?

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