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Internet Exercises
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Influence - Exploring Influence.
At the home page, click on the "Influence Quiz" button and take the quiz. The short quiz will get you thinking about the power and pervasiveness of social influence. Back at the main menu, you might want to select the heading "About Us" for relevant background. Do you get the feeling advertisers, the media, politicians, salespeople, parents and teachers, and friends sometimes are trying to "trick" you by manipulating words and images in self-serving ways? According to Professor Robert B Cialdini, you are right to feel a bit put upon.
After all, as his research has documented, each of us is the recipient (or victim) of countless social influence attempts during every waking hour.

Having read selections from this social influence Web site, are you more aware of day-to-day influence processes and tactics? Explain.
What were the most valuable insights you picked up from the site? Generally, do you see social influence as a constructive or sinister force in society? Explain
Is it possible that employees are becoming more difficult to influence because they have become hardened or numbed as a result of excessive exposure to influence attempts?
How can managers use social influence ethically?

Networking for Women - Women's Networking. Networking groups for women in business became popular in the 1970s and now, 30 years later, there are dozens to choose from—all over the world. Go to the Web site for the Canadian Women's Business Network ( ). Click on "Site Map" then click on "View Provincial Directories". Look around the different provinces for connections that might help you as you embark on your career. Go back to the "Site Map" again and under "Resources" click on "Canadian Resources" and check it out. Is there anything you think might be of use to someone starting out on the career path he or she has chosen.

If you are a female student, what specific information on this site can you use right now as you begin your career? Explain.
If you are a male student, do you feel comfortable using this information? Why or why not? If not, search for and discuss with the class a networking organization that will work for you.

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