PowerPoint 2003 Comprehensive
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Custom Publishing
MH Tech Ed Supersite
Office XP
Digital Solutions
UIT 6e
MS Office Specialist

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
PowerPoint Comprehensive 2003: Microsoft PowerPoint 2003

Pat R. Graves

ISBN: 0072254440
Copyright year: 2005

Feature Summary

  • Objectives are listed for each lesson.
  • Required skills for the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Program are listed for each lesson.
  • Running Case Study of a fictional business for each text (PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Access). These business-based case studies provide a real world context for learning a software application.
  • The estimated time required to complete each lesson (up to the "Using Help") is stated.
  • Within a lesson, each heading corresponds to an objective.
  • Easy-to-follow exercises emphasize "learning by doing".
  • Key terms are italicized and defined as they are encountered.
  • Extensive graphics display screen contents.
  • Toolbar buttons and keyboard keys are shown in the text when used.
  • Large toolbar buttons in the margins provide easy-to-see references.
  • Lessons contain important Notes, useful Tips, and helpful Reviews.
  • Using Help introduces you to a Help topic related to lesson content.
  • A Lesson Summary reviews the important concepts taught in the lesson.
  • A Command Summary lists the commands taught in the lesson.
  • Concepts Review includes true/false, short answer, and critical thinking questions that focus on lesson content.
  • Skills Review provides skill reinforcement for each lesson.
  • Lesson Applications ask you to apply your skills in a more challenging way.
  • On Your Own exercises lets you apply your skills creatively without much hand-holding. These are entirely free-form as opposed to "button-pushing exercises".
  • Unit Applications give you the opportunity to use the skills you learn in a unit.
  • Appendices, Glossary, and Index.
A Professional Approach - Microsoft PowerPoint 2003: Comprehensive

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