PowerPoint 2003 Comprehensive
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
PowerPoint Comprehensive 2003: Microsoft PowerPoint 2003

Pat R. Graves

ISBN: 0072254440
Copyright year: 2005

Table of Contents

UNIT 1 Basic Skills
LESSON 1: What Is PowerPoint?6
Starting PowerPoint7
Exploring PowerPoint11
Using Text Placeholders17
Using Tabs and Views19
Naming and Saving a Presentation21
Running a Slide Show23
Printing Slides and Handouts24
Closing Presentations and Exiting PowerPoint29
LESSON 2: Basic Presentation Tools44
Using the AutoContent Wizard45
Selecting, Rearranging, and Deleting Slides50
Editing and Revising Text54
Adding Slide Transitions61
Adding Headers and Footers63
UNIT 2 Developing A Presentation
LESSON 3: Creating A Presentation88
Creating a New Blank Presentation89
Changing Slide Layouts93
Working with Design Templates95
Using the Clipboard100
Working with Multiple Open Presentations105
Working with Speaker’s Notes108
LESSON 4: Outlines, Hyperlinks, And HTML128
Working with the Outline Pane128
Rearranging Outline Text133
Moving Text and Slides in the Outline Pane137
Importing and Exporting Outlines140
Working with Hyperlinks143
Saving a Presentation as a Web Page149
LESSON 5: Working With Text168
Working with Fonts168
Applying Text Formatting to Placeholders175
Changing Size and Position of Text Placeholders179
Working with Bullets182
Modifying a Design Template’s Text Placeholders186
Working with Text Boxes189
UNIT 3 Customizing A Presentation
LESSON 6: Working With PowerPoint Objects218
Working with Basic Drawing Tools219
Creating Basic AutoShapes227
Inserting Clip Art231
Adjusting Clip Art Size and Image Settings237
Using WordArt for Special Effects242
LESSON 7: Working With Lines, Fills, And Colors262
Changing the Line Color and Line Style of AutoShapes262
Changing the Fill Color of Objects267
Working with an Extended Range of Colors270
Adding Patterns, Gradient Fills, and Textures272
Using the Format Painter Tool280
Adjust Presentation Color Settings281
LESSON 8: Formatting Objects302
Working with Multiple Objects302
Aligning, Distributing, and Flipping AutoShapes305
Working with Layers of Objects309
Grouping, Ungrouping, and Regrouping Objects312
Applying Object Shadows and 3-D Effects314
Using the Duplicate Command317
Advanced Image Editing320
UNIT 4 Advanced Techniques
LESSON 9: Customizing Templates354
Working with Backgrounds354
Customizing an Existing Design Template357
Creating a New Design Template363
Applying Design Templates and Color Schemes from Other Presentations369
LESSON 10: Controlling Layout Options388
Working with Indents388
Working with Tabs391
Controlling Line Spacing395
Using Grids and Guides396
Working with Text in AutoShapes401
Working with Page Setup Options405
Customizing Handout and Notes Masters406
LESSON 11: Animation And Slide Show Effects428
Using Animation Schemes and Custom Animation429
Modifying and Enhancing Animations436
Adding Multimedia Elements441
Controlling a Slide Show446
Working with Custom Shows449
UNIT 5 Charts, Tables, And Diagrams
LESSON 12: Creating A Chart478
Creating a Chart478
Formatting a Column Chart485
Using Different Chart Types491
Working with Pie Charts495
Importing Charts from Excel499
Enhancing Chart Elements503
LESSON 13: Creating Effective Tables524
Creating a Table524
Selecting a Table, Table Cells, and Text529
Modifying Table Structure531
Aligning Text and Numbers538
Applying Fill Colors and Borders541
Inserting a Microsoft Word Table544
LESSON 14: Creating Diagrams For Processes And Relationships568
Creating Flowchart Diagrams568
Creating an Organization Chart573
Adding and Rearranging Organization Chart Boxes576
Formatting Organization Charts583
Creating Other Diagrams586
UNIT 6 Making Presentations Available To Others
LESSON 15: Distributing And Presenting Your Work618
Presenting with Projection Equipment619
Preparing Presentations for Delivery on Other Computers624
Preparing Presentations for Delivery in Other Formats628
Collaborating with Workgroups631
Publishing Presentations to the Web639
Broadcasting a Presentation on the Web644
A Professional Approach - Microsoft PowerPoint 2003: Comprehensive

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