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Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e
Judith Meece, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Student Study Guide by Nancy Defrates-Densch

About the Author

Judith L. Meece

Judith L. Meece is Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill, where she teaches in the School of Education. Child and Adolescent Development for Educators draws on over 20 years experience in teaching child and adolescent development courses to preservice teachers and graduate students. Before coming to Chapel Hill, Professor Meece taught at Purdue University and a completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Learning Research and Development Center of the University of Pittsburgh. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Michigan in 1981.

Professor Meece’s research focuses on academic motivation, gender differences in mathematics and science achievement, and teachers’ beliefs about children’s development. She has authored or co-authored numerous articles and chapters on these topics. Currently, she serves on the editorial board of the Educational Psychologist and Journal of Early Adolescence. She also is helping to design a gender-specific educational and treatment program for female juvenile offenders in North Carolina, and working on two new books—one focusing on children’s development in multiple contexts, and the other focusing on schooling and development.