Table of Contents: Chapter 1: Studying Children’s Development Why Study Children's Development? Teachers’ Understanding of Children’s Development Schools as a Context for Development History of Childhood The Invention of Childhood Current Status of Children and Adolescents Perspectives on Children's Development Definitions and Issues Biological Theories Psychoanalytic Theories Behavioral Theories Cognitive Theories Contextual Theories Importance of Multiple Theories Studying Children's Development
Research Designs
Data Collection Methods Judging the
Quality of a Study Research Ethics Chapter 2: Physical Development Prenatal Development Genes and Chromosomes Genetic and Chromosomal Abnormalities From Genotype to Phenotype Stages of Prenatal Development Environmental Effects on Prenatal Development High-Risk Infants Brain Development Changes in the Brain Brain Development and Experience Brain Organization and Specialization Perceptual Development Visual Perception Auditory Perception Taste, Smell, and Touch Implications for Educators Motor Development Newborn Reflexes Development of Gross Motor Skills Development of Fine Motor Skills Gender Differences in Motor Development Schools and Motor Development Physical Growth Changes in Weight and Height Variations in Physical Size Onset of Puberty Psychological Impact of Puberty Effects of Early and Late Physical Maturity Special Health Concerns Eating Disorders Substance Abuse Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy Depression and Suicide Chapter 3: Cognitive Development: Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Key Concepts in Piaget’s Theory Stages of Cognitive Development Limitations of Piaget’s Theory Educational Implications of Piaget’s Theory Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development Key Concepts in Vygotsky’s Theory Contrasts Between Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories
Limitations of Vygotsky’s Theory Educational Contributions of Vygotsky’s Theory Putting Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories
Together Chapter 4: Cognitive Development: Information Processing and Intelligence
Theories Information Processing Theories Key Concepts in Information Processing
Theory Developmental Processes Implications of Information Processing Theories for
Teaching Intelligence Theories and Cognitive
Development Key Concepts in Intelligence Theories Developmental Changes in Intelligence Stability and Change in Intelligence Genetic and Environmental Influences
on Intelligence Schooling Influences on Intellectual
Development Group Differences in Cognitive Abilities Racial and Ethnic Differences Performance Differences between Genders What Can Schools Do? Television, Computers, and Children’s Learning Television: The 15,000 Hour Curriculum Computers and Children’s Learning
Chapter 5: Language and Literacy Development
What Is Literacy? Some Basic Principles of Language
Development Language Development and Teaching Contrasting Views on Language Development Theories of Language Development Reconciling Different Points of View Learning to Communicate Language Learning Methods The Critical Period Theory of Language Acquisition Early Stages of Language Acquisition Learning Two Languages Fostering Language Development Literacy Development Emergent Reading and Writing Learning to Read Components of the Reading Process Approaches
to Teaching Reading Learning to Write Writing as Composing Literacy Development in the Classroom
Cultural Influences on Language Development Dialects Language and Culture Bilingual Education Chapter 6: Children with Exceptional Learning Needs Integrating Children with Exceptional
Needs Who Are the Students with Exceptional Needs? Why Integrate Children with Exceptional Needs into
the General Classroom? Characteristics of Children with Exceptional
Needs High Prevalence Categories Moderate Prevalence Categories Low Prevalence Categories Identifying and Teaching Students
with Exceptional Needs The Role of a Classroom Teacher Teacher Competencies Teacher-Directed Learning Peer-Directed Learning Self-Directed Learning Resources for Teachers School-Based Resources External Resources Chapter 7: Self-Concept, Identity, and Motivation Erickson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Stages of Development Limitations and Contributions of Erickson’s Theory Foundations of Social and Emotional Development Forming a Secure Attachment Understanding and Expressing Emotions Developing Self-Control Fostering Emotional Competence in the Classroom
Development of Self-Conceptions Self-Concept and Self-Esteem Identity Formation Developing an Ethnic Identity Gender-Role Conceptions Development of Achievement
Motivation Definitions of Achievement
Motivation Individual Differences
in Achievement Motivation Developmental Trends in
Achievement Motivation Chapter 8: Peer Relations and Moral DevelopmentUnderstanding Others Understanding the Perspective
of Others Describing other
People Understanding
Race and Ethnicity Children’s Peer Relations The Role of Peers in Children’s
Development Peer Popularity and Rejection Enhancing Peer Relations
in the Classroom Development of Prosocial
and Aggressive Behavior Developmental Changes
in Peer Relations Gay and Lesbian Youths Moral Development Kohlberg’s Theory
of Moral Development Ethic of Care
versus Justice Creating a Moral
Community in the Classroom Chapter 9: The Family: Partners in Education Conceptions of the Family Function of the Family: Socialization The Family as a System Variations in Family Structures Single-Parent Families Gay and Lesbian Families Implications for Educators Ethnic Diversity of Families African-American Families Hispanic-American Families Asian-American Families Native American Families Family Influences on Development Parenting Characteristics and Styles Developmental Changes in Family Relations Sibling Relationships Maltreatment of Children Family Transitions: Divorce and Remarriage Divorce Remarriage and Stepfamilies Helping Children Cope with Family Change Maternal Employment and Child Care Maternal Employment and Children’s Development Early Child Care and Children’s Development After-School Care and Children’s Development Family Involvement in Children’s Education Benefits of Parent Involvement Why Do Parents Become Involved? Encouraging Parental Involvement in School Fostering Resiliency in Children and Adolescents |