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Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e
Judith Meece, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Student Study Guide by Nancy Defrates-Densch

Feature Summary

Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e has many outstanding features - both proven and new.

  • FOR EDUCATION MAJORS: Child and Adolescent Development for Educators is written specifically for education majors. It emphasizes the age groups most teachers will teach. It provides a solid theoretical foundation in developmental theory and "deep" coverage of topics important to educators, such as cognitive and literacy development.
  • RESEARCH APPLIED TO TEACHING: The text emphasizes how developmental research can be applied to school settings and the important role of schools in children's development, a focus not found in traditional development texts.
  • FOR EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS: The text is written for undergraduate and master's level pre-service or practicing teachers, as well as for professionals in education-related fields (e.g., school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and school administrators).
  • BRIEF APPROACH: The text's brief length (around 500 pages) makes this text both affordable and easy to use. The text covers only the materials most pertinent to future teachers - you will no longer have to wade through an 800-page text to find the material your students need to know!
  • COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY FOCUS: Separate chapters are devoted to constructivist theories (Chapter 3) and information processing theories (Chapter 4) of cognitive development.
  • SOCIAL CONTEXT FOCUS: The importance of the social and cultural context on development is emphasized throughout in addition to being focused on in Chapters 7 and 8.
  • STRONG PEDAGOGY: Each chapter begins with a short classroom vignette relating to the content to follow. Three features - Focus on Research, Focus on Teaching and Focus on Development - give students additional information and, more importantly, apply this information to the classroom. Marginal notes and bolded key terms highlight important ideas throughout the chapter. Comprehensive and clear chapter summaries, and page-referenced key terms at the end of each chapter help students ensure they understand the content covered. Finally, Activities located at the end of each chapter provide excellent assignments or points for classroom discussion and interaction.
  • COMPREHENSIVE SUPPLEMENTS PACKAGE: An extensive supplements package has been development for the Second Edition that provides support and extension for both the instructor and student. For the instructor, a comprehensive instructor's manual that includes excellent classroom activities, case examples and supplemental lecture topics, in addition to the traditional features, has been developed. This manual also includes a test bank that is available on CD as well. PowerPoint slides developed from the text are housed on the Online Learning Center, and the McGraw-Hill Overhead Transparencies for Child Development are available as additional visual resources. For the student, a comprehensive student study guide is located on the Online Learning Center. Each new copy of the text is packaged with a Making the Grade CD-Rom with practice quizzing, a learning styles assessment and two guides to the Internet. An Online Learning Center provides extensive resources for the instructor and student.

An important addition to the package is Understanding Children: Interview and Observation Guide for Educators by Denise Daniels, Florence Beaumont and Carol Doolin. This observation guide is valuable resource for the observation component of your course.

Please see the supplements section for a comprehensive listing of the print and digital materials available.


Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e has been revised based on comments by professors who used the first edition in their course, as well as other professors teaching child development to future teachers. The highlights of the revisions include:

  • CHAPTER ON PEERS AND FAMILIES: A new Chapter 9 on Peers and Families discusses peer relations, changes in peer groups, issues for educators, conceptions of the family, family influences on development, and fostering family involvement in education.
  • TWO CHAPTERS ON PERSONAL, SOCIAL, AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT: Chapter 6 from the first edition has been expanded into two chapters - Chapter 7: Self-Concept, Identity and Motivation; and Chapter 8: Peers and Moral Development.
  • ADDED COVERAGE: Each chapter has at least two to three new sections of material. Specific new chapter content includes new research on brain development, early puberty in girls, play, social cognition, computers and learning, ethnic differences in achievement, language minority students, development precursors of learning disabilities, quality preschool programs, and teacher-student relations.
  • ADDED RESEARCH: The solid research base of the text remains, and is strengthen by 30-40 new references in each chapter. The Focus on Research Feature provides an in depth look at specific research, and connects it to the classroom.
  • UPDATED: The text has been completely updated and revised on the basis of extensive reviews from users of the first edition and other professors who teach development to future teachers. Coverage has been expanded to ensure students receive all the information they need.
  • IMPROVED DESIGN: The design and interior of the text has been completely redone to make it more attractive to students. The second edition now is four-color with an extensive photo program. Each chapter also includes new, helpful graphs and illustrations.
  • ADDED FEATURES: Focus on Teaching features stories about teaching from real classroom teachers and Focus on Development provides clear charts or illustrations mapping stages of development.
  • SUPPLEMENTS: The revised text has a superior supplements package, including an Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, Understanding Children: Interview and Observation Guide for Educators by Denise Daniels, Florence Beaumont and Carol Doolin, a Making the Grade Student CD-ROM -- free with every copy of the text, and an Online Learning Center Web site including a student study guide and PowerPoint slides.