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Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e
Judith Meece, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Student Study Guide by Nancy Defrates-Densch
Peer Relations and Moral Development
Essay Questions
Your text discusses ethnic perspective taking and the educational implications for each stage. What specific things will you do to facilitate ethnic identity formation and understanding between children of different races?
What specific things can classroom teachers do to help neglected and rejected children enhance their peer relationships?
Describe conflict resolutions programs that were utilized in your schools when you were children and adolescents. How effective were these programs? What could your schools have done to make them more effective? How will you encourage children to solve conflicts in your classroom?
The hidden curriculum in a school includes the moral messages that is sent to children. Many schools are now incorporating curricula to make the hidden curriculum an explicit curriculum. What kinds of things can schools do to promote positive character development and moral behavior among children?
According to your text, males tend to view morality in terms of justice, while females tend to take a care perspective. Since most elementary school teachers are female and half of students are male, there is likely to be a mis-match between their perspectives. How is this likely to impact teacher-student relationships? Peer relationships? Child behavior?
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