|  Inline/Online: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web, 2/e Raymond Greenlaw,
Armstrong Atlantic State University Ellen Hepp,
The University of New Hampshire
Newsgroups, Mailing Lists, Chat Rooms, and MUDs
Newsgroups, Mailing Lists, Chat Rooms, and MUDs
Deja News
A powerful newsgroup search tool, plus lots of information about newsgroups. |
 |  |  | Newsgroup Hierarchies
The Master List of Newsgroup Hierarchies Home Page. |
 |  |  | news.newusers.questions Homepage
Important information for new newsgroup users including a list of helpful links. |
 |  |  | topica
A huge directory of mailing lists and newsgroups. |
 |  |  | CataList
A large catalog of mailing lists from the LISTSERV's LISTS database that can be searched by subject, host site, host country, or number of subscribers. |
 |  |  | E-Mail Discussion Groups/Lists
This page supplies the basics about mailing lists including an introduction to listserver commands. |
 |  |  | Mailing List Manners 101
Some tips and information about mailing lists from TidBITS. |
 |  |  | Appalachian Trail Mailing List
Information about how to subscribe to the A.T. Mailing List as well as info about other mailing lists and chat pages related to the A.T. and hiking. |
 |  |  | The PARK
"A popular, member-supported international online community" with over 100 chat rooms. |
 |  |  | Chat Rooms
A collection of chat room links from Yahoo! |
 |  |  | Avatar MUD
The Web page for the "Advanced Virtual Adventuring Through Alternate Realities System" - a MUD with a medieval/fantasy theme. |
 |  |  | MUDS
A collection of MUD links from Yahoo! |
 |  |  | Educational Technology
Information and links to education and research-related MUDs |