article | A message that is sent to a newsgroup. Posting is a synonym
for article.
(See 434-435, 631)
Caesar ciphers | A class of simple encryption schemes in which letters of the alphabet are rotated in a circular fashion. ROT13 is an example of a Caesar cipher.
(See 439, 633)
chat room | An on-line forum where you can discuss your favorite subject
interactively with other people located anywhere on the Internet.
(See 459-462, 567, 633)
closed list | Amailing list for which the list owner either accepts or rejects
subscriptions. It is not possible to subscribe automatically to a closed list. List membership is filtered, and only postings from subscribers are accepted. Private list is a synonym for closed list.
(See 450, 633)
cross-post | The process of simultaneously submitting the same article to two or more newsgroups.
(See 437, 634)
cryptography | The science of encoding and decoding information. See also encryption.
(See 439, 555, 634)
digest | A collection of related articles, usually edited, that is posted as
a single article to a newsgroup.
(See 437, 635)
digested list | A mailing list in which postings are grouped by topic and
sent out as batches instead of individually.
(See 450, 635)
distance learning | Any form of teaching in which the instructor(s) and students are not located in the same room.
(See 462, 635)
edited list | A mailing list in which items posted may be edited by the list owner or moderator.
(See 450-635)
encryption scheme | A method of encoding information to make it private and secure.
(See 438, 636)
expired news | Old news that has been removed from a system.
(See 436-437, 636)
flame war | A series of nasty, electronic responses that are part of the same newsgroup thread.
(See 440, 455, 636)
follow-up | A newsgroup article posted in response to a previous newsgroup
(See 435, 637)
kill files | A filter based on names or topics you specify, for the purpose of blocking those newsgroup messages matching your criteria.
(See 438, 640)
list owner | A person in charge of a mailing list. Synonyms are list administrator, list coordinator, and list manager.
(See 450, 640)
LISTPROC | A popular mailing list server program.
(See 451, 640)
LISTSERV | A popular mailing list server program.
(See 451-453, 640)
lurker | A person who has subscribed to and reads a mailing list, but does not post messages. Such a person is said to lurk.
(See 450, 641)
moderated newsgroup | A newsgroup that has a moderator.
(See 437, 641)
Multi-User Dungeon or Dimension (MUD) | A real-time interactive game that takes place in an imaginary environment where multiple computer users can play simultaneously.
(See 462, 464, 611, 642)
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) | The protocol that is used for distributing news articles.
(See 437, 611, 642)
newbie | A person who only recently joined a mailing list.
(See 450, 642)
news administrator | A person who is in charge of running a news server.
(See 437, 42)
newsfeed | A news server that provides recent articles to a news client. The term also encompasses the process of delivering the news articles.
(See 437, 642)
newsgroup | An on-line forum that allows users from all over the world to participate in a discussion about a specific topic.
(See 2, 55, 103, 125, 432-448, 570, 642)
news moderator | A person associated with a specific newsgroup who reads and critically evaluates all articles submitted for posting to the newsgroup and then decides which articles should be posted.
(See 437, 642)
newsreader | A program that serves as the user interface for newsgroups and allows a user to read, post, subscribe, and unsubscribe from the
newsgroup. News client is a synonym.
(See 436, 438-441, 642)
news server | A computer that saves, forwards, and manages news articles.
Normally each organization runs its own news server and limits
access to just its customers or user community.
(See 437, 442-444, 643)
open list | A mailing list to which anyone may subscribe. Such a list typically accepts posts even from users who are not subscribers.
(See 450, 643)
packet switching | The technology employed to route messages over the Internet.
(See 101, 110, 433, 643)
post | The process of sending an article to a newsgroup; also, an article
that is sent to a newsgroup.
(See 435, 452-454, 644)
search engine | A search tool that allows a user to enter queries. The program responds with a list of matches from its database. A relevancy
score for each match and a clickable URL are usually returned.
(See 200-206, 461, 646)
s-mail | See snail mail.
(See 3, 30, 459, 560, 647)
snail mail | Regular postal mail; also referred to as s-mail.
(See 3, 647)
subscribe | The procedure you follow to join a newsgroup. Once sub-scribed,
you will receive the new postings of the newsgroup. The subscription is also used to track which messages in a group you have seen. In most cases, subscriptions do not cost money.
(See 435-436, 647)
Telnet | A program that allows you to log into a remote computer.
(See 55, 463, 648)
thread | A collection of one or more follow-up articles, together with the
original posting in a newsgroup.
(See 435, 648)
unmoderated newsgroup | A newsgroup that has no moderator.
(See 437, 649)
unsubscribe | The process of removing your name from a newsgroup to which you have previously subscribed.
(See 437, 649)
way-station | A news server that functions as a newsfeed for at least two (and usually many more) other sites.
(See 437, 650)