|  Inline/Online: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web, 2/e Raymond Greenlaw,
Armstrong Atlantic State University Ellen Hepp,
The University of New Hampshire
Chapter 3 - The Internet
Chapter 3 Exercises- Present four more interesting facts about the Internet. Explain why each is interesting to you. Provide references for your sources. (section 3.2, problem 2)
- Research one item from the Internet timeline in more detail, and prepare a one-page Web document about it. Include the sources you referenced in the document, and use as many HTML tags as appropriate. (section 3.3, problem 6)
- In Section 3.4.5, we explained how the client-server model supports the network benefits of scalability and sharing. How does
the client-server model relate to the other network benefits described in Section 3.4.1? (section 3.4, problem 18)
- How long have you been using the Internet? Do you notice a
more significant delay in retrieving documents now than you used
to? Do you try to restrict your access to the Internet to certain
times of the day? Have you ever surfed the Web from a foreign
country? Describe your experience. (section 3.5, problem 21)
- How many times a week do you get a “busy signal” when you try to connect to a site? That is, the server refuses your connection.
Do you use your browser’s Stop button more often than before to cancel a Web page request that seems to be taking forever to load? (section 3.5, problem 22)
- Decipher the following shorthand expressions: BTW , FYI , KSA , and WRT . List five other common abbreviations you have encountered, along with their meanings. (section 3.6, problem 29)
- How much money does a company pay to place an ad on Netscape’s Web pages? List your source(s). (section 3.6, problem 30)
- Do you feel cookies are an invasion of a user’s privacy? (section 3.7, problem 36)
- Research and report on the top three platforms for collaborative computing. Describe the major features of these platforms, including whether or not they are Web-based. Report on the prices of each. List your sources. (section 3.8, problem 41)