|  Inline/Online: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web, 2/e Raymond Greenlaw,
Armstrong Atlantic State University Ellen Hepp,
The University of New Hampshire
The World Wide Web
The World Wide Web
A consortium that among other things seeks to promote standards for the evolution of the Web. |
 |  |  | IETF
The Internet Engineering Task Force home page. |
 |  |  | ISOC
The Internet Society Web site. |
 |  |  | Design Tips
Web Wonk's tips for Web page designers. |
 |  |  | Webmonkey
Cutting-edge Web design material. |
 |  |  | Web Guide
The Yale Web style guide. |
 |  |  | WebPagesThatSuck site
Vince Flanders' site where you "learn good Web design by looking at bad Web design." |
 |  |  | Business Models on the Web
An on-line course offered by Professor Michael Rappa at NC State University. |
 |  |  | RubberChicken
A sample Web business. |
 |  |  | Page Registration
A company that can and will register your Web pages - for a small fee. |
 |  |  | Lynx Guide
A comprehensive users guide from the University of Kansas. |