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Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology into Classroom Teaching, 4/e
Vicki Sharp, University of California - Northridge

Software Integration and Evaluation

Multiple Choice Quiz


CMI (computer-managed instruction)
A)Uses tutorials and drill and practice
B)Keeps track of student scores and offers prescriptions for study
C)Uses simulation and problem solving approaches

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is an example of
B)Problem solving
C)Drill and practice

A program that allows students to model experiments with dangerous chemicals without real danger would be an example of which type of program?
A)Problem solving
B)Drill and practice

The Oregon Trail is an example of which type of program?
A)Problem solving.

Public Domain software:
A)Is copyrighted and cannot be shared like Shareware
B)Is of consistently high quality
C)May lack documentation or support

A)Is free software that can be shared
B)Is heavily marketed and promoted on the Internet
C)Usually has documentation, technical support and free updates.

Why is CAI a good tool for students with special needs?
A)The computer waits for the student to respond and will repeat the same explanation as many times as needed.
B)CAI requires a high degree of dexterity.
C)CAI requires the student to come to school.

All the following statements about CMI (computer-managed instruction) are true except:
A)It takes time and specialized knowledge to set up the program
B)The teacher can take the semester to input tasks for each student
C)A CMI is designed to help the teacher test, evaluate, and prescribe work for each student.

Which of the following points is important to consider when choosing instructional software?
A)Hardware compatibility
B)The program should be as close to a book form as possible
C)The number of features that come with the program

Software written using a constructivist approach
A)Provides a tightly structured path to the correct answer
B)Emphasizes exploration or discovery learning
C)Provides individual pacing and remediation