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Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology into Classroom Teaching, 4/e
Vicki Sharp, University of California - Northridge

Programming Languages and Logo

Chapter Outline


I. Programming

  1. Programming is a sequence of instructions that informs the computer what tasks are to be performed.
  2. Proponents of programming believe that it teaches higher-order thinking skills and is the key to computer literacy.
  3. Opponents of programming believe that it is better used as a tutor and a tool for learning.

II. Flowcharts

  1. The first step in programming is the flowchart, a graphical representation of the sequence of operations in a program.
  2. A flowchart uses such symbols as ovals, diamonds, and squares to represent different operations; the symbols are connected with lines and arrows.
  3. After drawing a flowchart, the user is ready to write a program following the flowchart's blueprint, using languages that range from BASIC to C++.

III. Programming Languages

  1. Programming languages are sequences of words, letters, numerals, and mnemonics that let the user operate the computer.
  2. Each computer language has its own precise set of rigid, unambiguous rules, syntax, and grammar that differ from those of ordinary language, with each command having only one, single meaning.
  3. Today, there are more than 400 computer languages including many dialects, which perform a variety of tasks.
  4. Determining which language to use is based on ease of use, availability of the language, and appropriateness of the language.
  5. In some situations, more than one language is appropriate.
  6. All languages have in common a base of high and low voltages represented by the 0s and 1s of the binary code, with 0 acting as the off switch and 1 acting as the on switch; a combination of 0s and 1s tells the computer to process information immediately, while another combination tells the central processing unit to add.
  7. A machine language composed of 0s and 1s is far removed from the language understood by humans.

IV. History of Computer Languages

  1. Low-level languages are less like human language and closer to the machine's operation.
  2. Assembly language is based on a mnemonic system.
  3. High-level languages approximate human language and are more removed from the machine's operation.