Arakawa, T., and Langridge W. R. H. May 1998. Plants are not just passive creatures! Nature Medicine 4(5):550. Plants are being used as bioreactors to produce foreign proteins for human immunity.Balick, M. J., and Cox, P. A. 1996. Plants, people, and culture: The science of ethnobotany. New York: Scientific American Library. This interesting, well-illustrated book discusses the medicinal and cultural uses of plants, and the importance of rain forest conservation.Busch, R. October/November 1998. The value of autumn leaves. National Wildlife 36(6):32. Article examines the physiology behind autumn leaf colors. Canny, M. J. March/April 1998. Transporting water in plants. American Scientist 86(2):152. The cohesion-tension theory of water transport is discussed in detail.Chrispeels, M., and Sadava, D. 1994. Plants, genes and agriculture. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Teaches plant biology in an agricultural context.Gibson, A. C. November 1998. Photosynthetic organs of desert plants. Bioscience 48(11):911. The specialized leaf and stem adaptations in desert plants may be to maximize photosynthetic rates and energy production, rather than to conserve water. Glenn, E. P., et al. August 1998. Irrigating crops with seawater. Scientific American 279(2):76. Certain useful salt-tolerant plants can flourish on seawater irrigation.Lee, D. W. January/February 1997. Iridescent blue plants. American Scientist 85(1):56. Some tropical plants produce a blue color, as do some insects, by using layered filters. Levetin, E., and McMahon, K. 1996. Plants and society. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Basic botany and the impact of plants on society are topics covered in this introductory text.Luoma, J. R. March 1997. The magic of paper. National Geographic 191(3):88. The paper-making process is discussed in this article.Martinez del Rio, C. February 1996. Murder by mistletoe. Natural History 105(2):85. The quintral is a mistletoe that parasitizes cacti.Mauseth, J. 1995. Botany: An introduction to plant biology. 2d ed. Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing. Emphasizes evolution and diversity in botany and general principles of plant physiology and anatomy.Milot, C. 17 July 1998. Plant biology in the genoma era. Science 281(5375):331. Genomic data can be used to make plants that produce more vitamins and minerals, and can help explain physiological processes, such as flowering.Moore, R., and Clark, W. D., et al. 1998. Botany. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. This introductory botany text stresses the process of science while presenting the evolution, anatomy, and physiology of plants.Niklas, K. J. February 1996. How to build a tree. Natural History 105(2):48. Article discusses the properties of wood.Northington, D., and Goodin, J. R. 1996. The botanical world. 2d ed. St. Louis: Times-Mirror/Mosby College Publishing. This is an account of plant interactions and basic physiology.Pitelka, L. F., et al. September/October 1997. Plant migration and climate change. American Scientist 85(5):464. A relationship between plant migration and climate change, as evidenced by the fossil record and computer models, is discussed.Redington, C. 1994. Plants in wetlands. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Explains how specific plants interact within the wetlands ecosystem. Schmiedeskamp, M. December 1997. Pollution-purging poplars. Scientific American 277(6):46. Hybrid poplar trees may be used to break down toxic organic compounds in the soil. Seymour, R. S. March 1997. Plants that warm themselves. Scientific American 276(3):104. Some plants generate heat to keep blossoms at a constant temperature.Stern, K. 1997. Introductory plant biology. 7th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Presents basic botany in a clear, informative manner.Stryer, L. 1995. Biochemistry. 5th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. Chapter 22 of this text presents an advanced but understandable treatment of photosynthesis.Sze, P. 1998. A biology of the algae. 3d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. A text that introduces algae morphology, evolution, and ecology to the botany major. Walsh, R. May 1997. The chocolate bug. Natural History 106(4):54. The cacao tree's survival depends upon a tiny insect, which dictates where cacao will grow.
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