1. Considering the cycling of materials in the biosphere:
a. A plant exchanges materials with its environment (surroundings). What substances does it take from the environment, and what substances does it give to the environment?
b. What part of a chloroplast gives off O2? What is the source of this oxygen? What part of a chloroplast takes up CO2? What happens to the carbon dioxide.?
c. How do plants and animals use the oxygen given off by a plant?Answer
d. In what ways does a plant use newly formed glucose?Answer
2. Considering the flow of energy in the biosphere:
a. How much energy do you suppose it takes to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) to glucose? From where does this energy ultimately come?Answer
b. Energy is needed to maintain cellular and organismal organization. The oxidation of glucose releases 686 kcal/mole. Specifically, what do cells do with the energy of glucose breakdown?Answer
c. Why would it be correct to say that photosynthesis drives cellular respiration?Answer
d. In general, what role is played by glucose in all organisms?Answer
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