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Public Speaking for College and Career, 6/e
Hamilton Gregory

Speaking in Groups

Internet Exercises

  1. Many groups, such as the governing boards of colleges, conduct their meetings under the rules of parliamentary procedure, a formalized system for ensuring that meetings run smoothly and fairly. Find a Website devoted to these rules and print a page that explains how motions are handled.
  2. Possible Strategy: Go to Yahoo! (, choose "Reference," and then "Parliamentary Procedure." Visit several of the sites listed.

  3. On the Internet, thousands of organizations post their agendas for meetings (as well as their minutes). Find and print an agenda that is highly structured and gives a timetable for segments of a meeting.
  4. Possible Strategy: Go to a search engine such as Northern Light ( and type a query (+agenda +meeting) in the search box. Examine sites until you find the kind of agenda specified.