group conflict | that which occurs when a group member's thoughts or acts limit, prevent, or interfere with his or her own or another group member's thoughts or acts
groupthink | a dysfunction in which some group members attempt to preserve group harmony by suppressing the voicing of dissenting opinion
competitive set | a readiness to perceive a conflict in all-or-nothing terms
cooperative set | a readiness to share rewards to resolve conflicts
role reversal | a strategy in which persons in conflict act as each other in order to understand each other's positions
conflict grid | a model portraying the styles individuals use to resolve conflicts
avoider | a person who when faced with a conflict does his or her best to remove himself or herself from the conflict situation
accommodator | a person who when faced with a conflict overvalues the maintenance of relationships and undervalues the achievement of his or her own goals
compromiser | a person who when faced with a conflict tries to find a middle ground
competitive forcer | a person who when faced with a conflict adopts a win-lose orientation in which the attaining of personal goals is paramount
problem-solving collaborator | a person who when faced with a conflict adopts a win-win orientation, seeking to satisfy her or his own goals as well as those of others
flame war | a conflict that occurs in cyberspace