|  Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the Digital Age, 7/e Joseph R. Dominick
What's New- Offered free with new copies of the text, PowerWeb is a password-protected Website developed by McGraw-Hill that provides instructors and students with course-specific study materials and current, relevant, and validated Web content. Linked from the Dominick Online Learning Center, PowerWeb helps students with online research by providing access to more than 6,000 high-quality academic sources.
- Each chapter in parts II, III, and IV (covering Print Media, Electronic Media, and Specific Media Professions) now has a new section called "Books" in the Digital Age. The new section discusses the effect of new technologies on the media being discussed.
- New Media Decision-Maker boxes, which cover key decision-makers in the media, have been added.
- New Course Plan for professors helps instructors integrate the text and all ancillary materials, including PowerWeb.