1 |  |  All of the following are periods of prenatal development, EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | ovulation. |
|  | B) | germinal. |
|  | C) | embryonic. |
|  | D) | fetal. |
2 |  |  Human fertilization typically takes place in the: |
|  | A) | ovary. |
|  | B) | fallopian tube. |
|  | C) | uterus. |
|  | D) | vaginal canal. |
3 |  |  A fertilized ovum is called:
|  | A) | a blastocyst.
|  | B) | an egg.
|  | C) | an embryo.
|  | D) | a zygote.
4 |  |  The period of prenatal development that occurs in the first two weeks after conception is called the period.
|  | A) | fetal
|  | B) | germinal
|  | C) | embryonic
|  | D) | blastocystic
5 |  |  A skin defect might be traced back to an initial problem with the embryo's cells.
|  | A) | mesoderm
|  | B) | ectoderm
|  | C) | microderm
|  | D) | endoderm
6 |  |  How does the placenta/umbilical cord life-support system prevent harmful bacteria from invading a fetus?
|  | A) | Bacteria are too large to pass through the placenta walls.
|  | B) | The placenta generates antibodies that attack and destroy bacteria.
|  | C) | Bacteria become trapped in the maze of blood vessels of the umbilical cord.
|  | D) | No one understands how the placenta keeps bacteria out.
7 |  |  During the second trimester, the amniotic sac is filled mainly with:
|  | A) | blood.
|  | B) | mucus.
|  | C) | urine.
|  | D) | air.
8 |  |  The fetal period is best described as a time when:
|  | A) | major organ systems emerge from the less differentiated endoderm and mesoderm.
|  | B) | support systems that sustain the fetus become fully formed and functioning.
|  | C) | fine details are added to systems that emerged during the embryonic period.
|  | D) | teratogens are most likely to impair development.
9 |  |  Organogenesis takes place during which stage of development?
|  | A) | germinal
|  | B) | zygotic
|  | C) | embryonic
|  | D) | fetal
10 |  |  While looking over a newborn, a physician notes that the neonate's outer ears are severely deformed. Based on her knowledge of prenatal development, the physician would suspect the damage occurred during the stage of development.
|  | A) | germinal
|  | B) | zygotic
|  | C) | embryonic
|  | D) | fetal
11 |  |  _________ are important dimensions for providing adequate health care for expectant mothers from various cultural groups.
|  | A) | Cultural assessments
|  | B) | Home care remedy evaluations
|  | C) | Hospice care options
|  | D) | Neonatal care units
12 |  |  A medicine woman or medicine man is an indigenous healer in which culture?
|  | A) | Anglo American
|  | B) | Asian American
|  | C) | Mexican American
|  | D) | Native American
13 |  |  Which phrase best defines a teratogen?
|  | A) | a life-support system that protects the fetus
|  | B) | an agent that stimulates the formation of organs
|  | C) | an abnormality in infants of alcoholic mothers
|  | D) | an environmental factor that produces birth defects
14 |  |  Which of the following statements about fetal alcohol syndrome is most accurate?
|  | A) | The infant is often physically deformed and below average in intelligence.
|  | B) | Fetal alcohol syndrome commonly results in miscarriages.
|  | C) | Fetal alcohol syndrome causes ectopic pregnancies.
|  | D) | Babies suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome are often born before term and with low birthweights.
15 |  |  A common characteristic of babies born to women who smoke during their pregnancies is:
|  | A) | a missing arm or leg.
|  | B) | facial deformities and below-average intelligence.
|  | C) | restlessness and irritability.
|  | D) | lower birthweights.
16 |  |  All of the following have been found to endanger the unborn child EXCEPT:
|  | A) | saunas and hot tubs.
|  | B) | PCB-polluted fish.
|  | C) | carbon monoxide.
|  | D) | computer monitors.
17 |  |  Researchers now believe that maternal stress may lead to birth defects by:
|  | A) | reducing the amount of oxygen received by the embryo and fetus.
|  | B) | increasing the mother's susceptibility to viruses.
|  | C) | reducing the likelihood of a good placenta-to-uterus connection.
|  | D) | increasing the likelihood of an unusual chromosome split during meiosis.
18 |  |  Which of the following statements about the relationship between age and pregnancy outcome is most accurate?
|  | A) | Adolescent mothers are most likely to have retarded children.
|  | B) | Artificially inseminated women in their thirties and forties are more likely to become pregnant than those in their twenties.
|  | C) | Mothers over age thirty are most likely to have retarded babies.
|  | D) | Adolescent mothers suffer the lowest infant mortality rates of any age group.
19 |  |  Now that Eric and Luz have established their careers and are in their mid-twenties, they are planning to have a baby. In terms of Eric's concerns about the paternal factors that may affect his child, he should be most concerned about:
|  | A) | his high-stress job as an attorney.
|  | B) | the second-hand smoke he encounters in his law office.
|  | C) | his age.
|  | D) | his low dietary intake of vitamin C.
20 |  |  With respect to prenatal care, which of the following countries has the lowest quality medical and educational services?
|  | A) | Norway
|  | B) | the United States
|  | C) | Sweden
|  | D) | France
21 |  |  Mrs. Peters is experiencing contractions every 2 to 5 minutes. She is in which stage of birth?
|  | A) | first
|  | B) | second
|  | C) | third
|  | D) | fourth
22 |  |  Which of the following can lead to anoxia during the birth process?
|  | A) | having the umbilical cord tighten around the neck of the fetus
|  | B) | use of forceps to help ease the infant from the birth canal
|  | C) | an episiotomy (surgically widening the vaginal opening)
|  | D) | Braxton-Hicks contractions
23 |  |  A physician might elect to give a pregnant mother an oxytocic if:
|  | A) | her contractions have stopped.
|  | B) | she is bleeding vaginally.
|  | C) | she has stopped ovulating.
|  | D) | her placenta has partially detached.
24 |  |  Which statement about the influence on newborns of drugs used during birth is the most accurate?
|  | A) | Experiments on the effects of drugs on childbirth raise few ethical questions.
|  | B) | Methodological problems complicate the results of studies of drug use during labor.
|  | C) | Drugs affect all infants in almost the same way.
|  | D) | Most mothers choose standard childbirth, so researchers are able to learn about how drugs affect labor.
25 |  |  Eleni is a doula. This means she is a:
|  | A) | physician who specializes in obstetrics.
|  | B) | nurse with a specialty in obstetrics.
|  | C) | caregiver who provides support for the mother during birth.
|  | D) | nurse-practitioner who is trained as a midwife to delivery babies.
26 |  |  The main premise of natural or prepared childbirth is summarized by the phrase:
|  | A) | "knowledge is power."
|  | B) | "always say 'no' to drugs."
|  | C) | "it takes two to tango."
|  | D) | "easy does it."
27 |  |  Aisha is using a childbirth strategy that includes a detailed anatomy and physiology course during pregnancy and a special breathing technique to control pushing in the final stages of labor. She is using which method?
|  | A) | natural childbirth
|  | B) | the Lamaze method
|  | C) | cesarean delivery
|  | D) | the Read method
28 |  |  During the 1980s, the rate of cesarean deliveries performed in the United States:
|  | A) | increased dramatically.
|  | B) | increased slightly.
|  | C) | decreased slightly.
|  | D) | decreased dramatically.
29 |  |  A "preterm" baby cannot have gestated for more than weeks.
|  | A) | 26
|  | B) | 30
|  | C) | 34
|  | D) | 38
30 |  |  Which of the following statements about a shortened gestation period is most accurate?
|  | A) | It is common for low-birthweight infants.
|  | B) | It often leads to organ malformation.
|  | C) | It is almost always devastating.
|  | D) | It alone does not necessarily harm an infant.
31 |  |  Increases in survival rates for infants who are born very early and very small would predict:
|  | A) | increases in severe brain damage.
|  | B) | a more adaptable immune system.
|  | C) | a tendency toward substance abuse later in life.
|  | D) | higher levels of academic achievement than normal weight infants.
32 |  |  In contrast to the Brazelton scale, the Apgar primarily assesses a newborn's:
|  | A) | psychological status.
|  | B) | reflexes.
|  | C) | physiological health.
|  | D) | responsivity to people.
33 |  |  Two-day-old Terry's very low Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale score is often a good indicator that:
|  | A) | he has brain damage.
|  | B) | his mother took heroin while she was pregnant.
|  | C) | he will develop a "difficult" temperament.
|  | D) | he is unlikely to bond with his primary caregiver.
34 |  |  Which of the following terms refers to a physical change that occurs to women after childbirth?
|  | A) | decompression
|  | B) | decompensation
|  | C) | involution
|  | D) | menarche
35 |  |  Marjorie has just had a healthy baby boy and a relatively easy birth. However, now that she is home with her baby, she is experiencing emotional fluctuations. Which of the following is most likely true?
|  | A) | Marjorie should get professional counseling immediately.
|  | B) | Marjorie needs to get more education about how to care for her baby and deal with her feelings.
|  | C) | Marjorie's husband should stay home from work to help her care for the baby.
|  | D) | Marjorie's emotional fluctuations may be due to hormonal changes, fatigue, or demands of having a new baby.
Match the following persons with the statement or theory that most closely reflects their perspective: