1 |  |  Which best demonstrates the basic principle of cephalocaudal development?
|  | A) | an infant first producing an endogenous smile, then an exogenous smile, then a laugh
|  | B) | an infant first being able to raise the head, then sit up, then stand up
|  | C) | an infant obtaining visual skills, then olfactory skills, then auditory skills
|  | D) | an infant cooing, then babbling, then the first word, then language
2 |  |  The proximodistal progression pattern is seen in children's:
|  | A) | drawings, which are first done using the entire arm, and eventually using only the wrist and fingers.
|  | B) | toileting behavior, which proceeds from urine control to bowel control.
|  | C) | head size, which originally comprises about one-fourth of the body, and eventually only one-eighth of the body.
|  | D) | memory, which proceeds from sensory store to short-term to long-term store.
3 |  |  Which statement most accurately describes height and weight changes during infancy?
|  | A) | Both increase more rapidly during the second year than during the first year.
|  | B) | Girls increase in height and weight faster than boys do during infancy.
|  | C) | The sexes grow at the same rate during infancy.
|  | D) | Both height and weight increase more rapidly during the first year than during the second year.
4 |  |  Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of the infant brain?
|  | A) | Increasing experience increases the number of neurons.
|  | B) | Increasing experience increases the number of connections between neurons.
|  | C) | The dendrites branch out with increasing age.
|  | D) | Neurotransmitters change with increasing age.
5 |  |  The process of encasing axons with fat cells, which protects nerve cells and helps nerve impulses travel faster, is referred to as:
|  | A) | neuronal growth.
|  | B) | myelination.
|  | C) | lipidation.
|  | D) | insulation.
6 |  |  6 Charles Nelson has made great strides in finding out about the brain's development in infancy by using:
|  | A) | PET scans.
|  | B) | MRIs.
|  | C) | electrodes.
|  | D) | CT scans.
7 |  |  The most extensive research on brain lateralization has focused on:
|  | A) | language.
|  | B) | visual coordination.
|  | C) | olfaction.
|  | D) | motor coordination.
8 |  |  Research on language processing in the brain has found that:
|  | A) | virtually all language is carried out in the left hemisphere.
|  | B) | virtually all language is carried out in the right hemisphere.
|  | C) | in normal people, the complex thinking required to produce language results from communication between both hemispheres.
|  | D) | in normal people, tasks involving logical thinking are carried out in the left hemisphere and those involving creative thinking occur in the right hemisphere.
9 |  |  Neuroscientists believe that what wires the brain is:
|  | A) | genetic heritage.
|  | B) | repeated experience.
|  | C) | constant stimulation.
|  | D) | a delicate balance of proteins and amino acids.
10 |  |  Before birth, it appears that:
|  | A) | the brain is fully "wired" and ready for action.
|  | B) | intrauterine experiences preprogram the brain's development.
|  | C) | extrauterine experiences preprogram the brain's development.
|  | D) | genes mainly direct how the brain establishes basic wiring patterns.
11 |  |  11 If an alien randomly dropped in on ten newborns, it might conclude that humans spend their entire first months of life:
|  | A) | eating.
|  | B) | crying.
|  | C) | playing.
|  | D) | sleeping.
12 |  |  Which statement most accurately portrays the sleep-wake cycle of infants?
|  | A) | Infants sleep less as they grow older.
|  | B) | Newborn sleep is reflexive, whereas infant sleep is intentional.
|  | C) | Infants eventually sleep more during the day than they do at night.
|  | D) | Infants spend less time sleeping than do adults.
13 |  |  Cross-cultural research demonstrates that infant sleep patterns around the world:
|  | A) | are the same.
|  | B) | differ for each culture.
|  | C) | may relate to mother-child contact.
|  | D) | have been steadily changing as humans evolve.
14 |  |  Sleep researchers have found that:
|  | A) | infants and adults exhibit very similar patterns of REM sleep.
|  | B) | infants engage in more REM sleep than adults.
|  | C) | adults engage in more REM sleep than infants.
|  | D) | adults enter REM sleep earlier in the sleep cycle than infants do.
15 |  |  Since 1992, when the American Academy of Pediatrics began recommending that infants , the frequency of SIDS has decreased.
|  | A) | sleep on their stomachs
|  | B) | sleep on their backs
|  | C) | sleep on their sides
|  | D) | do not sleep with their mothers
16 |  |  Juan was a low-birthweight infant, while Serge was a premature infant. Which statement applies to them?
|  | A) | Neither is vulnerable to SIDS.
|  | B) | Juan is less vulnerable to SIDS than Serge.
|  | C) | Juan is more vulnerable to SIDS than Serge.
|  | D) | Both are vulnerable to SIDS.
17 |  |  Infants require about ________ calories a day for each pound they weigh.
|  | A) | 25
|  | B) | 50
|  | C) | 75
|  | D) | 100
18 |  |  Breast-feeding is superior to bottle-feeding because:
|  | A) | breast-feeding is more convenient and more adaptable to the time requirements of demand feeding.
|  | B) | breast milk is a superior source of the nutrients babies need.
|  | C) | bottle-fed infants suffer psychological damage because they become only weakly attached to their mothers.
|  | D) | breast-feeding is not superior to bottle-feeding; this is a myth.
19 |  |  Which of the following conditions is NOT necessary for a young child to be toilet trained?
|  | A) | adequate motivation
|  | B) | muscular maturation
|  | C) | muscular control
|  | D) | a regulated toileting schedule
20 |  |  Which statement best characterizes infant reflexes?
|  | A) | Reflexes are vestigial remnants of early evolutionary processes.
|  | B) | Reflexes are genetically carried survival mechanisms.
|  | C) | Modern infants rely more on learning than on reflexes.
|  | D) | All reflexes disappear by the end of infancy.
21 |  |  The sucking style of an infant is dependent on all of the following EXCEPT:
|  | A) | the way the milk is coming out of the bottle or breast.
|  | B) | the infant's sucking speed and temperament.
|  | C) | the way the infant is held.
|  | D) | the nourishment being offered.
22 |  |  Charlie turns his head, opens his mouth, and begins sucking when his cheek is stroked. Charlie is demonstrating which reflex?
|  | A) | rooting
|  | B) | Babinski
|  | C) | tonic neck
|  | D) | Moro
23 |  |  Which infant motor event typically occurs first?
|  | A) | stands with support
|  | B) | cruises around furniture
|  | C) | rolls over
|  | D) | sits without support
24 |  |  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents:
|  | A) | slowly ease their babies into structured exercise regimes.
|  | B) | enroll their babies in exercise classes.
|  | C) | use exercise sessions as a way to bond with their babies.
|  | D) | avoid structured exercise classes for babies.
25 |  |  As a researcher who uses the developmental biodynamics perspective, Dr. Sandee would:
|  | A) | describe the ages at which various motor achievements are reached.
|  | B) | describe universal milestones (e.g., crawling, walking) as a process of adaptation.
|  | C) | explain the ages at which various motor achievements are reached as a result of brain maturation.
|  | D) | explain the ages at which various motor achievements are reached as a result of maturation of the central nervous system.
26 |  |  occurs when information interacts with sensory receptors.
|  | A) | Sensation
|  | B) | Perception
|  | C) | Intermodal perception
|  | D) | Perceptual-motor coupling
27 |  |  Was William James right when he proclaimed that newborns experience a "blooming, buzzing" world of confusion?
|  | A) | No, because infants display visual preferences.
|  | B) | Yes, because infants' visual acuity is less than that of adults.
|  | C) | Yes, because infants sense the world but do not perceive it.
|  | D) | No, because infants' reflexes allow for organization into perceptual categories.
28 |  |  Robert Fantz (1963) found that infants as young as 2 days old:
|  | A) | were able to focus on their mothers' eyes.
|  | B) | were able to distinguish contour.
|  | C) | showed a preference for patterned stimuli over plain stimuli.
|  | D) | began to perceive the oval shape of the head.
29 |  |  In Gibson and Walk's (1960) experiment, infants placed on one side of a visual cliff refused to go to their mothers who were coaxing them from the other side. This result was cited as evidence for:
|  | A) | depth perception.
|  | B) | failure of visual acuity.
|  | C) | inability to hear at a distance.
|  | D) | inability to crawl.
30 |  |  What evidence indicates that a fetus can hear?
|  | A) | A fetus moves when a loud noise occurs.
|  | B) | Newborns prefer their mother's voice to strangers' voices.
|  | C) | Hearing is more sensitive and better developed among newborns who have been experimentally stimulated before birth
|  | D) | Newborns prefer to hear stories that were read to them in their mother's womb.
31 |  |  One current controversy concerning the medical treatment of infants involves:
|  | A) | the use of small amounts of cocaine to stimulate the heart rate of sluggish neonates.
|  | B) | the rule of now allowing mothers to hold their at-risk low-birthweight neonate immediately after birth.
|  | C) | not using any anesthetics when performing surgery on young infants.
|  | D) | the fact that a mother's opinion outweighs a father's when it comes to a decision of whether a child should be given a heart transplant.
32 |  |  Which of the following smells do infants like the LEAST?
|  | A) | vanilla
|  | B) | fish
|  | C) | their mother's milk
|  | D) | strawberries
33 |  |  Jessica turned her head when she heard footsteps in the hall, then she smiled when she saw her mother come into the room. This demonstrates _________ perception. |
|  | A) | depth |
|  | B) | intermodal |
|  | C) | auditory |
|  | D) | visual |
Match the following persons with the statement or theory that most closely reflects their perspective: