1 |  |  Two important factors that can produce individual differences in height are:
|  | A) | ethnic origin and nutrition.
|  | B) | genetic predisposition and early behavior.
|  | C) | central nervous system functioning and reduction of fat intake.
|  | D) | standard of living and cost of living.
2 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a condition that can produce unusually short children?
|  | A) | physical problems
|  | B) | congenital factors
|  | C) | emotional difficulties
|  | D) | ethnic origin
3 |  |  The Nortons love their son, but are concerned about his lack of height and his slow rate of growth. A medical examination would likely reveal a malfunction of the: |
|  | A) | pineal gland. |
|  | B) | adrenal gland. |
|  | C) | pituitary gland. |
|  | D) | medulla. |
4 |  |  Myelination improves the efficiency of the central nervous system in the same way that:
|  | A) | talking to an infant speeds his ability to produce a first word.
|  | B) | reducing the distance between two children playing catch reduces the time it takes for a baseball to travel form one child to the other.
|  | C) | the ingestion of certain chemicals (e.g., steroids) can improve overall muscle development.
|  | D) | the insulation around an electrical extension cord improves its efficiency.
5 |  |  Recent research using brain scans has found
|  | A) | the overall size of the brain shows dramatic growth.
|  | B) | there are dramatic changes in local patterns within the brain.
|  | C) | there are dramatic changes in brain size from age 3 to age 6, then a slowing of growth thereafter.
|  | D) | many diseases that are manifested later in life can be seen early on.
6 |  |  The most rapid growth in the brain for children aged 3 to 6 takes place in the:
|  | A) | frontal lobe areas.
|  | B) | temporal lobe areas.
|  | C) | parietal lobes.
|  | D) | occipital lobe.
7 |  |  Which of the following would be considered a fine motor skill?
|  | A) | bouncing a ball
|  | B) | walking a straight line
|  | C) | sorting blocks
|  | D) | writing your name
8 |  |  Left-handedness is associated with:
|  | A) | early maturation of motor skills.
|  | B) | imagination and creativity.
|  | C) | cognitive and perceptual deficits.
|  | D) | delinquent tendencies.
9 |  |  What a child eats during the early childhood period affects all of the following EXCEPT:
|  | A) | skeletal growth.
|  | B) | body shape.
|  | C) | susceptibility to disease.
|  | D) | basal metabolism rate.
10 |  |  Your child is overweight. What is the best recommendation to help him slim down?
|  | A) | Give him snacks only when he has been good.
|  | B) | Put him on a diet that will help him lose weight.
|  | C) | Encourage him to get more exercise.
|  | D) | Punish him when you find him eating snacks.
11 |  |  Exposure to __________ increases children's risk for developing such medical problems as pneumonia, bronchitis, middle ear infections, burns, and asthma.
|  | A) | tobacco smoke
|  | B) | cocaine
|  | C) | lead
|  | D) | pesticides
12 |  |  The most likely cause of death in the world among children younger than 5 years is:
|  | A) | birth defects.
|  | B) | polio.
|  | C) | diarrhea.
|  | D) | German measles.
13 |  |  An easy solution to the high child mortality rate from diarrhea around the world would be low cost:
|  | A) | vaccinations.
|  | B) | oral rehydration therapy.
|  | C) | birth control.
|  | D) | immunizations.
14 |  |  In the _________ substage the young child gains the ability mentally to represent an object that is not present.
|  | A) | symbolic function
|  | B) | intuitive thought
|  | C) | tertiary circular reactions
|  | D) | preoperational
15 |  |  Wendy was listening as her mother told a friend how to get to their house. Mrs. Jones said, "Come south on Main, then turn left on Ash, then right on Cedar, and we are the second house on the right." Wendy said, "No, you turn right on Ash." She said this because from where she sat, Ash was to her right. Assuming Mrs. Jones is correct, Wendy would be demonstrating:
|  | A) | animism.
|  | B) | egocentrism.
|  | C) | centration.
|  | D) | conservation.
16 |  |  Three-year-old Henry tripped on an uneven sidewalk and ran crying to his mother saying, "The sidewalk made me fall on purpose!" Henry is demonstrating:
|  | A) | animism.
|  | B) | egocentrism.
|  | C) | centration.
|  | D) | conservation.
17 |  |  The typical "human tadpole" that preschoolers draw to represent a person probably best reflects:
|  | A) | limited knowledge of the human body.
|  | B) | a confusion between fantasy and reality.
|  | C) | a symbolic representation of a human.
|  | D) | limited perceptual motor skills.
18 |  |  When her father asked Kim how she concluded that two apples and two apples make five apples, she believed her answer was correct and confidently replied, "I know it because I know it!" Kim is in which substage of development?
|  | A) | primary circular reactions
|  | B) | tertiary circular reactions
|  | C) | symbolic function
|  | D) | intuitive thought
19 |  |  ________ is clearly evidenced in young children's lack of conservation when they focus their attention on one characteristic (such as height or length) to the exclusion of others.
|  | A) | Egocentrism
|  | B) | Centration
|  | C) | Concentration
|  | D) | Overregulation
20 |  |  Professor Rosen showed 4-year-old Clarence two balls of clay that were the same size. As he watched, she rolled one of the balls into a snake shape, neither adding nor taking away any clay. When asked if both the ball and the "snake" had the same amount of clay, Clarence responded that the snake had more. This demonstrates Clarence's:
|  | A) | imagination.
|  | B) | inability to reverse actions mentally.
|  | C) | shape preferences.
|  | D) | developing conservation abilities.
21 |  |  Rochel Gelman suggests that children fail conservation tasks because they:
|  | A) | cannot think about more than one aspect of a task.
|  | B) | do not notice important features of the tasks.
|  | C) | cannot mentally reverse the sequence of actions in the tasks.
|  | D) | do not understand why researchers are testing them.
22 |  |  Which of the following questions is typical of the preoperational child?
|  | A) | "How many different piles of toys can I make from my toys?"
|  | B) | "How much is two plus two?"
|  | C) | "Where does the moon go when it's light out?"
|  | D) | "Do you see the same thing I do, Daddy?"
23 |  |  Lev Vygotsky BELIEVED some tasks are too difficult for children to handle alone, but can be done with the help of someone more skilled. Such tasks:
|  | A) | fall into the zone of proximal development.
|  | B) | are difficult because they are not salient to the child.
|  | C) | are best taught by having the child observe a skilled teacher.
|  | D) | will be frustrating for the child and should be left to a time when the child can more easily accomplish them.
24 |  |  The zone of proximal development (ZPD) is a measure of:
|  | A) | intelligence.
|  | B) | potential.
|  | C) | skill.
|  | D) | achievement.
25 |  |  Which of the following reflects Lev Vygotsky's beliefs about language and thought?
|  | A) | Children who engage in high levels of private speech are usually socially incompetent.
|  | B) | Children use internal speech earlier than they use external speech.
|  | C) | All mental functions have external or social origins.
|  | D) | Language and thought initially develop together and then become independent.
26 |  |  Vygotsky believed that cognitive development was most influenced by which of the following factors?
|  | A) | biological
|  | B) | social
|  | C) | personality
|  | D) | emotional
27 |  |  According to Vygotsky, an institutional component that influences cognitive development is:
|  | A) | a child's interactions with a teacher.
|  | B) | watching educational programs on television.
|  | C) | the traditions of a child's ethnic group.
|  | D) | the use of computers to teach math concepts.
28 |  |  Compared to that of a toddler, a preschooler's ability to pay attention enables her to:
|  | A) | ignore unimportant but distracting details of a task.
|  | B) | habituate more quickly to repeated stimulation.
|  | C) | concentrate on an activity for longer periods of time.
|  | D) | pay attention to several things
29 |  |  All of the following have been found to account for differences in memory between older and younger children EXCEPT:
|  | A) | use of rehearsal.
|  | B) | speed and efficiency of processing.
|  | C) | use of strategies.
|  | D) | increased intelligence.
30 |  |  According to information-processing theorists, which of the following IS NOT one of the developmental steps in children's thoughts about the human mind?
|  | A) | realizing the mind exists
|  | B) | realizing the mind has connections to the physical world
|  | C) | realizing that there is a true reality that will come to be understood
|  | D) | understanding that the mind can represent objects and events accurately or inaccurately
31 |  |  Evidence that children understand the rules of their language includes all of the following EXCEPT:
|  | A) | observations of overgeneralizations.
|  | B) | application of rules to nonsense words.
|  | C) | correct word order placement.
|  | D) | identifying the names of objects they have never previously seen.
32 |  |  Overgeneralization of language rules indicates:
|  | A) | a failure to apply language rules.
|  | B) | children's guesses about language rules.
|  | C) | the use of language rules.
|  | D) | the imitation of language rules.
33 |  |  Jesus is attending a child-centered kindergarten, so we would expect to see all of the following EXCEPT:
|  | A) | instruction organized around Jesus' needs, interests, and learning style.
|  | B) | an emphasis on the process of what Jesus is learning.
|  | C) | an emphasis on what Jesus learns.
|  | D) | play as an important aspect of Jesus' development.
34 |  |  An instructor who uses developmentally inappropriate methods for teaching the alphabet would:
|  | A) | have the children recite the alphabet three times a day every day.
|  | B) | use music to teach the alphabet.
|  | C) | use animal names and shapes to teach the alphabet.
|  | D) | use the sandbox to let children draw the letters of the alphabet.
35 |  |  According to David Elkind, preschool:
|  | A) | is a critical element of the young child's socialization.
|  | B) | is not necessary if home schooling approximates the experiences available at a competent preschool.
|  | C) | education should not begin until the child is socially mature.
|  | D) | can produce excessive stress and anxiety.
36 |  |  Project Head Start was designed to:
|  | A) | provide low-income children a chance to acquire skills that would help them succeed at school.
|  | B) | assess the advantages and disadvantages of preschool educational programs.
|  | C) | give parents an educational day-care center.
|  | D) | determine the feasibility of starting formal education at an earlier age.
37 |  |  Which type of approach was related to good school attendance in Project Follow Through?
|  | A) | an academic, direct-instruction approach
|  | B) | a Montessori-type approach
|  | C) | a Head Start approach
|  | D) | an effective education approach
38 |  |  Schooling for young children in Japan is most like:
|  | A) | a developmentally appropriate kindergarten.
|  | B) | a program of concentrated academic instruction.
|  | C) | the kind of program most Americans want.
|  | D) | the typical American kindergarten.
Match the following persons with the statement or theory that most closely reflects their perspective:
39 |  |  Jean Berko
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols
40 |  |  Lev Vygotsky
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols
41 |  |  Teresa Amabile
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols
42 |  |  Jean Piaget
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols
43 |  |  Rochel Gelman
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols
44 |  |  Maria Montessori
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols
45 |  |  David Elkind
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols
46 |  |  Robert Siegler
|  | A) | Early childhood education should be part of public education on its own terms
|  | B) | Used fictional words to test children's understanding of language rules
|  | C) | Uses information-processing approach to analyze children's inability to conserve
|  | D) | Language and thought, initially independent, eventually merge
|  | E) | Revolutionized teaching by allowing children freedom and spontaneity
|  | F) | Underscores the importance of motivation in children's creativity
|  | G) | Documented that children as young as 2 can learn problem-solving strategies
|  | H) | Preoperational thought moves from primitive to sophisticated use of symbols