|  Life-Span Development, 8/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas - Dallas
Adolescence Socioemotional Development in Adolescence
Chapter ObjectivesI.Discuss the development of identity proposed by Erikson and Marcia. |
 |  |  | II.Examine how family, culture and ethnicity, and gender influence adolescent development. |
 |  |  | III.Describe how families change as adolescents seek autonomy, being sure to include factors related to parent-adolescent conflict. |
 |  |  | IV.Elaborate on the changes that take place with peer groups and the importance of friendships. |
 |  |  | V.Discuss adolescent dating, including the functions of dating and dating scripts. |
 |  |  | VI.Define "rite of passage" and examine its importance in this culture and in other cultures around the world. |
 |  |  | VII.Determine what role ethnicity and socioeconomic status play in adolescent development in this country. |
 |  |  | VIII.Differentiate between assimilation and pluralism, indicating how these concepts impact the development of an ethnic identity. |
 |  |  | IX.Discuss the rates and antecedents of juvenile delinquency, and the recent research conducted on youth violence. |
 |  |  | X.Examine the nature of depression and causes of suicide in adolescents. |
 |  |  | XI.Discuss prevention and intervention programs that have been successful with at-risk youth. |