1 |  |  Jeffrey Arnett (2000) has termed the age range from 18 to 25: |
|  | A) | late adolescence. |
|  | B) | early adulthood. |
|  | C) | emerging adulthood. |
|  | D) | adulthood transitioning. |
2 |  |  The most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is: |
|  | A) | getting a full-time job. |
|  | B) | moving out of your parents' home. |
|  | C) | graduating from college. |
|  | D) | getting married. |
3 |  |  In what way does the move from high school to college differ from that of elementary school to junior high school? |
|  | A) | Junior high school students are more likely to experience the top-dog phenomenon than are college freshmen. |
|  | B) | College freshmen experience increased achievement pressure, but junior high school students do not. |
|  | C) | College freshmen have more opportunities to explore lifestyles than junior high school students. |
|  | D) | Junior high school students generally find their academic work more challenging than do college freshmen. |
4 |  |  Compared to their 1980s counterparts, college students today indicate that they feel: |
|  | A) | more excited about their opportunities. |
|  | B) | more depressed. |
|  | C) | less prepared for college. |
|  | D) | more prepared for college. |
5 |  |  Peak physical performance is typically reached: |
|  | A) | in early adolescence. |
|  | B) | in late adolescence. |
|  | C) | in early adulthood. |
|  | D) | at different times, depending on the activity. |
6 |  |  How well do college students use their knowledge about health? |
|  | A) | They are well informed and a majority use the information to live healthy lifestyles. |
|  | B) | Surveys indicate that most of them are aware of what it takes to be healthy and almost 50% practice what they know. |
|  | C) | Those who are well-informed also tend to practice what they know. |
|  | D) | Although most of them know what it takes to be healthy, most don't apply it. |
7 |  |  Now in her middle twenties, Harriet exercises rarely, skips breakfast to get to work early, and parties hard on weekends to compensate for the long hours of hard work she must put in to support her ambitious career plans. Late in life, when she has achieved success and retired, Harriet will be: |
|  | A) | relatively healthy, because in her youth peak resources protected her against the stress she experienced. |
|  | B) | in satisfactory health, because her stressful living provided her with early success. |
|  | C) | vigorous, because she has trained herself for the demands of a successful career. |
|  | D) | relatively less healthy and dissatisfied with her life, because of her poor lifestyle choices early in life. |
8 |  |  Which of the following might be expected to occur when an individual reaches age 30? |
|  | A) | greater muscle tone and strength |
|  | B) | radical changes in the sensory systems |
|  | C) | sagging chins and protruding abdomens |
|  | D) | decrease in the body's fatty tissues |
9 |  |  Which of the following is LEAST likely to play a role in obesity? |
|  | A) | heredity |
|  | B) | metabolism |
|  | C) | personality |
|  | D) | environmental factors |
10 |  |  Approximately what percentage of the American population is sufficiently overweight to be at increased health risk? |
|  | A) | one-quarter |
|  | B) | one-third |
|  | C) | one-half |
|  | D) | two-thirds |
11 |  |  With increasing age, basal metabolism rate: |
|  | A) | increases steadily. |
|  | B) | reaches a peak and levels off. |
|  | C) | declines steadily. |
|  | D) | does not change. |
12 |  |  All of the following are environmental influences on body weight EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | basal metabolism rate. |
|  | B) | declining physical activity. |
|  | C) | energy saving devices. |
|  | D) | greater availability of food. |
13 |  |  ________ are individuals who chronically restrict their food intake to control their weight. |
|  | A) | Dieters |
|  | B) | Restrained eaters |
|  | C) | Yo-yo dieters |
|  | D) | Bulimics |
14 |  |  The main focus of research on the effects of exercise on health has involved: |
|  | A) | reducing weight. |
|  | B) | preventing cancer. |
|  | C) | staying young. |
|  | D) | preventing heart disease. |
15 |  |  At age 30 you find you are a successful, hardworking executive, but you are also slightly overweight and have increasing difficulty coping with the tension in your life. What do the "experts" recommend you do to ensure good health? |
|  | A) | Lose weight. |
|  | B) | Start a weight lifting program in which you alternate exercise of muscle groups every day. |
|  | C) | Walk or jog at a brisk pace for 30 minutes every day. |
|  | D) | Push yourself to jog fast for 30 minutes three to five times a week. |
16 |  |  Experts recommend that American adults engage in at least ________ minutes of exercise or more . |
|  | A) | 15/daily |
|  | B) | 30/daily |
|  | C) | 30/every other day |
|  | D) | 60/weekly |
17 |  |  A longitudinal study by Jerald Bachman (1997) found all of the following EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | college students drink less than youths who end their education after high school. |
|  | B) | people who do not go to college smoke more. |
|  | C) | non-married people use marijuana more than married individuals. |
|  | D) | becoming engaged, married, or remarried brings down alcohol use. |
18 |  |  _________, a behavior modification technique in which the smoker is sensitized to smoking cues, has been used effectively in getting some individuals to stop smoking. |
|  | A) | Stimulus control |
|  | B) | Systematic desensitization |
|  | C) | Cue sensitization |
|  | D) | Cognitive control |
19 |  |  __________ is a pattern of behavior characterized by an overwhelming involvement with using a drug and securing its supply. |
|  | A) | Drug tolerance |
|  | B) | Addiction |
|  | C) | Drug withdrawal |
|  | D) | Substance abuse |
20 |  |  All of the following predict a positive outcome and recovery from alcoholism EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | promising to change. |
|  | B) | finding a substitute dependency. |
|  | C) | having new social supports. |
|  | D) | joining an inspirational group. |
21 |  |  A study of sexual activity by Michael et al. (1994) found all of the following EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | married couples have sex more than single people. |
|  | B) | the favorite sexual act was oral sex. |
|  | C) | adultery is the exception rather than the rule. |
|  | D) | men think about sex far more than women do. |
22 |  |  Recent research exploring the biological bases of homosexuality has found: |
|  | A) | homosexuals and heterosexuals have different physiological responses during sexual arousal. |
|  | B) | if male homosexuals are given male sex hormones, their sexual orientation changes. |
|  | C) | exposure of the fetus to hormone levels characteristic of females might cause an individual to become attracted to males. |
|  | D) | an area of the hypothalamus that governs sexual behavior has been found to be twice as large in homosexual males as in heterosexual males. |
23 |  |  Laura Brown (1989) has suggested that gays and lesbians can best adapt to a world in which they are a minority by: |
|  | A) | getting therapy to help them change their sexual orientation. |
|  | B) | getting therapy to help them adjust to the stigmatism of being homosexual. |
|  | C) | living in a primarily gay or lesbian world. |
|  | D) | developing an identity that balances the minority gay/lesbian culture and the majority heterosexual culture. |
24 |  |  The most common of all sexually transmitted diseases is: |
|  | A) | syphilis. |
|  | B) | gonorrhea. |
|  | C) | chlamydia. |
|  | D) | genital herpes. |
25 |  |  AIDS CANNOT be transmitted by: |
|  | A) | intimate sexual contact. |
|  | B) | sharing needles. |
|  | C) | blood transfusions. |
|  | D) | contact with urine. |
26 |  |  Andrea and Tom are at a point in their relationship where they will soon become sexually intimate. They would be wise to protect themselves against STDs by taking which of the following precautions? |
|  | A) | ask about each other's previous sexual encounters |
|  | B) | obtain medical examinations |
|  | C) | apply petroleum jelly to condoms before using them |
|  | D) | promise to be monogamous |
27 |  |  Which of the following is TRUE concerning rape? |
|  | A) | A man cannot rape his wife. |
|  | B) | Rape is a traumatic experience for the victim and those close to her. |
|  | C) | Men cannot be raped. |
|  | D) | Many women actually want to be raped. |
28 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of rapists? |
|  | A) | They use aggression to enhance their sense of power. |
|  | B) | They have an abnormal need for sexual pleasure. |
|  | C) | They are generally angry at women. |
|  | D) | They want to hurt and humiliate their victim. |
29 |  |  Sexual harassment is: |
|  | A) | a manifestation of power and domination of one person over another. |
|  | B) | so blatant that it is hard to miss. |
|  | C) | becoming less prevalent because of awareness. |
|  | D) | less prevalent than the media would have us believe. |
30 |  |  With respect to adult cognitive processes, psychologist K. Warner Schaie (1977) concluded that: |
|  | A) | adults now enter a post-formal operational stage involving more complex strategies. |
|  | B) | many adults revert back to a pragmatic concrete stage rather than using formal operational thought. |
|  | C) | adults do not go beyond formal operational thought, but they do progress in how they use their intellect. |
|  | D) | adults in certain careers (e.g., higher education) tend to go into a post-formal operational stage, but most others do not. |
31 |  |  Life-span development students often complain, "Why do we have to learn all of these theories? Why don't you just teach us the right one?" According to William Perry, this complaint reflects thinking. |
|  | A) | absolute, dualistic |
|  | B) | dualistic, reflective |
|  | C) | reflective, relativistic |
|  | D) | full relativistic |
32 |  |  Recent research on creativity has shown that it: |
|  | A) | is highly correlated with intelligence. |
|  | B) | peaks in adolescence, then declines. |
|  | C) | peaks in adulthood, then declines. |
|  | D) | peaks somewhere in middle to late adulthood. |
33 |  |  Which of the following can help you develop the heightened state of pleasure we experience when engaged in absorbing challenges described as "flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1995)? |
|  | A) | Keep your life structured so you know what to expect. |
|  | B) | Wake up in the morning open to whatever will strike you as the "thing to do today." |
|  | C) | Take charge of your schedule. |
|  | D) | Set a specific time each month to pursue something interesting. |
34 |  |  According to John Holland, the person with a conventional personality is most likely to be: |
|  | A) | a bank teller. |
|  | B) | an artist. |
|  | C) | a social worker. |
|  | D) | a carpenter. |
35 |  |  If Habib wants to get a career in the occupation currently believed to have the fastest growth and highest pay in the next few years, he will find a position as: |
|  | A) | a computer systems analyst. |
|  | B) | an engineering, science, or computer systems manager. |
|  | C) | a college professor. |
|  | D) | a commercial artist. |
36 |  |  In a recent survey by the Center for Survey Research at the University of Connecticut (2000), percent of Americans worked 51 hours or more per week. |
|  | A) | 18 |
|  | B) | 23 |
|  | C) | 32 |
|  | D) | 35 |
37 |  |  Faye Crosby (1991) has described the "jugglers," women who have multiple roles of career, home, and family. She has concluded that: |
|  | A) | the high stress levels will undoubtedly create major problems in at least one of the "juggled" areas. |
|  | B) | women with multiple roles provide a chance to fashion social worlds that promote healthy communities, families, and individuals. |
|  | C) | while juggling may be beneficial for communities, it is a hardship on families and the individual. |
|  | D) | working from home will allow women to handle multiple roles more easily. |
Match the following persons with the statement or theory that most closely reflects their perspective:
38 |  |  1 Jeffrey Arnett |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |
39 |  |  2 Robert Michael |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |
40 |  |  3 William Perry |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |
41 |  |  4 John Holland |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |
42 |  |  5 K. Warner Schaie |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |
43 |  |  6 Laura Brown |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |
44 |  |  7 Faye Crosby |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |
45 |  |  8 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi |
|  | A) | Surveyed American sexual patterns in 1994 |
|  | B) | Our view of the world evolves from dualistic to relativistic |
|  | C) | “Emerging adults” explore a variety of possible directions for their life |
|  | D) | “Flow”: intense state of pleasure when engaged in absorbing challenges |
|  | E) | Proposed the personality type theory of career development |
|  | F) | How adults use intellect, not how they acquire information, progresses |
|  | G) | Homosexuals experience life as a minority in a majority culture |
|  | H) | Described the advantages of multiple roles (“juggling”) for women |