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Life-Span Development, 8/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas - Dallas
Middle Adulthood
Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Essay Questions
Your next-door neighbors are a lovely couple whom you like very much. One day they both confide in you that they are fast approaching middle age and are really dreading it. They have heard that once you turn 40, everything begins to fall apart, including your sex life. What would you tell them to help them through this crisis?
One of your friends has come to you for advice about his aunt. She was widowed about a year ago, and since then she has become increasingly involved with the church she was brought up in, although neither she nor her husband (nor anyone in your friend’s family) ever did much more than celebrate Christmas and Easter. Your friend is worried that this is a sign of her inability to cope with the untimely death of her husband, although she’s never before shown any other indications of instability. In fact, he tells you that she worked full-time in the fashion industry for many years, has never smoked, drinks only socially, and has had no serious physical illnesses. Your friend asks for your thoughts on how to ensure his aunt’s well-being. What do you tell him
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