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Physical Science, 5/e
Bill Tillery, Arizona State University

The Solar System

Essay Quiz


Describe the one observation that is difficult to explain with a simple geocentric model of the solar system. Explain how the Ptolemaic system took care of this difficulty.
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Describe the Copernican system and how it accounted for the motions of the planets. Briefly discuss at least three reasons why the Copernican system was not immediately accepted over the Ptolemaic system.
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Discuss the contributions each of the following made to the eventual acceptance of a heliocentric model of the solar system: (a) Nicolas Copernicus, (b) Tycho Brahe, (c) Johannes Kepler, (d) Galileo, and (e) Isaac Newton.
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Describe Kepler's three laws of planetary motion, using diagrams as needed.
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What are the perihelion and the aphelion? Compare the orbital velocity of a planet at perihelion and at aphelion.
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Evaluate the comparative difficulties in creating, testing, and verifying models of (a) the structure of the solar system, (b) the life of a star, and (c) the origin of the solar system.
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Describe the protoplanet nebular model of the origin of the solar system. Which part or parts of this model seem least credible to you? Explain. What information could you look for today that would cause you to accept or modify this least credible part of the model?
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What are the basic differences between the terrestrial planets and the giant planets? Describe how the protoplanet nebular model accounts for these differences.
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Identify at least three properties of the terrestrial planets that theoretically determined what kind of atmosphere is present on the terrestrial planets today. Explain the role of each of these planetary properties in determining the atmosphere of a planet.
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Compare the atmospheres and surface conditions on the two hot planets of Mercury and Venus. Provide reasons why these differences exist.
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Explain (a) why Venus and Earth are believed to have had similar atmospheres at two different times during their history and (b) why the atmospheres are so different today.
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Describe the surface and atmospheric conditions on Mars.
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What evidence exists that Mars at one time had abundant liquid water? If Mars did have liquid water at one time, what happened to it and why?
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Describe the internal structure of Jupiter and Saturn.
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What are the rings of Saturn? Name other planets that have ring structures.
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Describe some of the unusual features found on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.
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What are the similarities and the differences between the Sun and Jupiter?
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Give one idea about why the Great Red Spot exists on Jupiter. Does the existence of a similar spot on Saturn support or not support this idea? Explain.
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What is so unusual about the motions and orbits of Venus, Uranus, and Pluto?
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What evidence exists today that the number of rocks and rock particles floating around in the solar system was much greater in the past soon after the planets formed?
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What was the source of the water found today in Earth's oceans? Explain the reasoning behind your answer.
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Explain why carbon dioxide is a major component of the terrestrial planets of Mars and Venus but not of (a) Mercury, (b) Earth, and (c) the giant planets.
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Explain why oxygen is a major component of Earth's atmosphere but not the atmospheres of Venus or Mars.
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Using the properties of the planets other than Earth, discuss the possibilities of life on each.
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What are "shooting stars"? Where do they come from? Where do they go?
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What is an asteroid? What evidence indicates that asteroids are parts of a broken-up planet? What evidence indicates that asteroids are not parts of a broken-up planet?
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Where do comets come from? Why are astronomers so interested in studying the physical and chemical structure of a comet?
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What is a meteor? What is the most likely source of meteors?
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What is a meteorite? What is the most likely source of meteorites?
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Technically speaking, what is wrong with calling a rock that strikes the surface of the Moon a meteorite? Again speaking technically, what should you call a rock that strikes the surface of the Moon (or any other planet)?
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Describe the physical structure and composition of the two main kinds of meteorites, including any subdivisions. What is the meaning of the structure, composition, and texture of a meteorite?
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If a comet is an icy, dusty body, explain why it appears brightly in the night sky.
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