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13.1 Lymphatic System

  • The lymphatic vessels form a one-way system, which transports lymph from the tissues and fat from the lacteals to certain cardiovascular veins.
  • The lymphoid organs (red bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and tonsils) play critical roles in defense mechanisms.
  1. In what ways does the lymphatic system help to contribute to homeostasis?

  2. How do the lymph nodes and spleen participate in defending the body against disease?

Essential Study Partner
    Lymph System
    Lymph Movement
    Lymph Nodes
    Lymph Organs

Art Quiz
    Immune System Evolution

Animation Quiz
    Lymphatic System

General Biology Weblinks
    Anatomy & Physiology

Labeling Exercises
Lymphatic System (33.0K)
The Lymphoid Organs (29.0K)
Thymus Gland (38.0K)
Lymph Node (39.0K)
Spleen (37.0K)
Bone Marrow (37.0K)

13.2 Nonspecific Defenses and Specific Defenses

  • Immunity consists of nonspecific and specific defenses to protect the body against disease.
  • Nonspecific defenses consist of barriers to entry, the inflammatory reaction, natural killer cells, and protective proteins.
  • Specific defenses require two types of lymphocytes: B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.
  1. How do barriers to entry help keep us healthy?

  2. What is the role of neutrophils and macrophages in the inflammatory reaction?

  3. What is an antigen?

  4. What are the targets of B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes?

Essential Study Partner
    Nonspecific Immunity
    Defense Mechanism Overview
    Specific Immunity
    Antibody-Mediated (Humoral) Immunity
    Cell Mediated Immunity

Art Quiz
    Activation of T Cells

Animation Quizzes
    Phagocytic Cells
    Complement Proteins
    Antiviral Defense
    Clonal Selection
    T-Cell Function

13.3 Induced Immunity

  • Induced immunity for medical purposes involves the use of vaccines to achieve long-lasting (active) immunity and the use of antibodies to provide temporary (passive) immunity.
  1. Why does active immunity last longer than passive immunity?

  2. What are monoclonal antibodies?

Art Quiz
    Monoclonal Antibody Production

Animation Quiz

Case Study
    AIDS Vaccine

13.4 Immunity Side Effects

  • While immunity preserves life, it is also responsible for certain undesirable effects, such as allergies, blood type reactions, tissue rejection, and autoimmune diseases.
  1. How do allergy shots help prevent the effects of allergic reactions?

Essential Study Partner
    Blood Groupings

Art Quiz
    Allergic Reaction

Animation Quiz
    ABO Blood Types

Inquiry into Life, 11/eOnline Learning Center

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