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17.1 Nervous Tissue

  • The nervous system contains cells called neurons, which are specialized to carry nerve impulses.
  • A nerve impulse is an electrochemical change that travels along the length of a neuron axon.
  • Transmission of signals between neurons is dependent on neurotransmitter molecules.
  1. What are two important functions of the myelin sheath surrounding a neuron?

  2. Resting potential of a neuron is caused by what phenomenon?

Essential Study Partner
    Nervous Tissue
    Action Potential
    Human Nervous System
    Nervous System Cells I
    Nervous System Cells II

Art Quizzes
    Sodium-Potassium Pump
    Nerve Tissue
    Myelin Sheath Formation
    Establishment of Resting Membrane Potential
    Saltatory Conduction

Animation Quizzes
    Development of Membrane Potential
    Action Potential

General Biology Weblinks
    Anatomy & Physiology

Labeling Exercise
Synapse Structure and Function (42.0K)

17.2 The Central Nervous System

  • The central nervous system is made up of the spinal cord and the brain.
  • The spinal cord transmits messages to and from the brain and coordinates reflex responses.
  • The parts of the brain are specialized for particular functions.
  • The cerebral cortex contains motor areas, sensory areas, and association areas that communicate with each other.
  • The reticular formation contains fibers that arouse the brain when they are active and account for sleep when they are inactive.
  1. What are the two primary functions of the spinal cord?

  2. What portion of the brain regulates many of the body's basic metabolic functions by controlling the pituitary gland?

Essential Study Partner
    Central Nervous System
    Overview of the Brain
    Ventricles & CSF Circulation
    Spinal Cord Structure
    Spinal Cord Functions
    Brain Stem
    Cerebrum I
    Cerebrum II

Art Quizzes
    Primitive Fishes Brain
    Evolution of Vertebrate Brain
    Brain Mass versus Body Mass

Animation Quiz

Labeling Exercises
Central Nervous System (26.0K)
The Human Brain (58.0K)
Spinal Cord Anatomy (1) (36.0K)
Spinal Cord Anatomy (2) (72.0K)
Neuroglial Cells in the Central Nervous System (33.0K)

Case Study
    Why do My Students Sleep in Biology Class?

17.3 The Limbic System and Higher Mental Functions

  • The limbic system contains cortical and subcortical areas that are involved in higher mental functions and emotional responses.
  • Long-term memory depends upon association areas that are in contact with the limbic system.
  • Particular areas in the left hemisphere are involved in language and speech.
  1. What two structures within the limbic system are essential for learning and memory?

  2. How do semantic memory and episodic memory differ?

Art Quiz
    Limbic System

17.4 The Peripheral Nervous System

  • The peripheral nervous system contains nerves that conduct nerve impulses toward and away from the central nervous system.
  1. What are the two main branches of the peripheral nervous system and what is the primary function of each?

  2. Under what circumstances are the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic system active?

Essential Study Partner
    Peripheral Nervous System
    Cranial Nerves
    Spinal Nerves
    Somatic Reflexes
    ANS Structure
    ANS Function

Art Quizzes
    Autonomic Nervous System Divisions
    Knee-Jerk Reflex
    Autonomic Motor Reflex

Animation Quiz
    Reflex Arc

Labeling Exercise
Peripheral Nervous System (26.0K)

17.5 Drug Abuse

  • The use of psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and ecstasy is detrimental to the body.
  1. List the two general physiological effects of mood-altering drugs.

Art Quiz
    Drug Addiction and the Synapse

Inquiry into Life, 11/eOnline Learning Center

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